(词汇)关于slack 正确的是
(词汇)关于slack 正确的是
Baroque and Rococo costumes worn by the nobles and royalty were slack and casual. ( )
Baroque and Rococo costumes worn by the nobles and royalty were slack and casual. ( )
Youshould()themooringlinesatthesametimewhenthewindisbig. A: fasten B: slack C: fast D: slacken
Youshould()themooringlinesatthesametimewhenthewindisbig. A: fasten B: slack C: fast D: slacken
AVAST means(). A: let go B: pull C: slack off D: sto
AVAST means(). A: let go B: pull C: slack off D: sto
在夏天,海南是旅游的淡季。 译文:Summer is the slack season for Hainan’s tourism.
在夏天,海南是旅游的淡季。 译文:Summer is the slack season for Hainan’s tourism.
After the intense examination, we become quite _________ now. A: lazy B: free C: slack D: sleepy
After the intense examination, we become quite _________ now. A: lazy B: free C: slack D: sleepy
The soil was so _____ that I was hardly able to force a spade into it. A: muddy B: compact C: slack D: fertile
The soil was so _____ that I was hardly able to force a spade into it. A: muddy B: compact C: slack D: fertile
Slack out the cable. A: 收紧锚链 B: 松出锚链 C: 放锚 D: 收锚
Slack out the cable. A: 收紧锚链 B: 松出锚链 C: 放锚 D: 收锚