六月不仅是“全民禁毒宣传月”,还是LGBTQ群体的“骄傲月”。LGBTQ分别指的是女同性恋者,男同性恋者,双性恋者,跨性别者,酷儿。( )
六月不仅是“全民禁毒宣传月”,还是LGBTQ群体的“骄傲月”。LGBTQ分别指的是女同性恋者,男同性恋者,双性恋者,跨性别者,酷儿。( )
Please choose the correct meaning for the word below according to the text.to come out A: to go outside B: telling people that you are LGBTQ+ or non-binary C: to eat lunch D: to go and play hide and seek
Please choose the correct meaning for the word below according to the text.to come out A: to go outside B: telling people that you are LGBTQ+ or non-binary C: to eat lunch D: to go and play hide and seek