• 2022-06-06 问题

    ‏ ​In retrospect, we would have been wise to leave our money in the bank.​ A: many years ago B: looking around‍ C: looking backretrospect 回顾,回想(retro+spect 看→向后看)‍ D: looking to

    ‏ ​In retrospect, we would have been wise to leave our money in the bank.​ A: many years ago B: looking around‍ C: looking backretrospect 回顾,回想(retro+spect 看→向后看)‍ D: looking to

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    In retrospect, we would have been wise to leave our money in the bank. A: many years ago B: looking around‍ C: looking backretrospect 回顾,回想(retro+spect 看→向后看)‍ D: looking to

    In retrospect, we would have been wise to leave our money in the bank. A: many years ago B: looking around‍ C: looking backretrospect 回顾,回想(retro+spect 看→向后看)‍ D: looking to

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