The coastguardsmen on the ship accorded topmost priority to the mail from home. A: True B: False
The coastguardsmen on the ship accorded topmost priority to the mail from home. A: True B: False
Which of the following is the official conference theme of the 7th World Congress on High-Speed Rail held on December 7-9, 2010 in Beijing, China? A: The Global Vision for Railway Development. B: Rail Safety, the Topmost Priority. C: Fast Track to Sustainable Mobility. D: High Speed Rail Spearheading Greener Transport.
Which of the following is the official conference theme of the 7th World Congress on High-Speed Rail held on December 7-9, 2010 in Beijing, China? A: The Global Vision for Railway Development. B: Rail Safety, the Topmost Priority. C: Fast Track to Sustainable Mobility. D: High Speed Rail Spearheading Greener Transport.