• 2022-05-27 问题

    The defense qi circulates in the vessels.

    The defense qi circulates in the vessels.

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    Blood ___________ through the body. A: circulate B: is circulating C: circulates D: circulation

    Blood ___________ through the body. A: circulate B: is circulating C: circulates D: circulation

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Money()as it goes from person to person. A: speaks B: scatters C: circulates D: distribute

    Money()as it goes from person to person. A: speaks B: scatters C: circulates D: distribute

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    The blood __________ in the body and provides what the body needs.( ) A: swells B: circulates C: tastes D: tempted

    The blood __________ in the body and provides what the body needs.( ) A: swells B: circulates C: tastes D: tempted

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 4: AV 4.mp4 Watch the second part of the video clip and fill in each blank with the number mentioned in the video. When food is ingested, it travels along the (1) _____________where it is broken down into its (2) ___________________in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream. One such nutrient is (3) _______________, a simple sugar. Glucose gets absorbed by the stomach and (4) ________________and then enters the bloodstream. It travels through the (5) _____________ to all body cells. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, glucose circulates, causing the blood sugar level to rise. An increased level of blood sugar sends a signal to the (6) _________________ which respond by secreting the hormone insulin into the circulation. Insulin is necessary for glucose to reach and be used by several important (7) _______________tissues throughout the body. These include the liver muscle and (8) _____________ . Insulin is necessary to keep blood glucose levels stable in the body. Glucose enters the cell through a process called facilitated diffusion./js/editor20150812/dialogs/attachment_new/fileTypeImages/icon_default.gif

    Task: Audio-visual Exercises AV Clip 4: AV 4.mp4 Watch the second part of the video clip and fill in each blank with the number mentioned in the video. When food is ingested, it travels along the (1) _____________where it is broken down into its (2) ___________________in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream. One such nutrient is (3) _______________, a simple sugar. Glucose gets absorbed by the stomach and (4) ________________and then enters the bloodstream. It travels through the (5) _____________ to all body cells. Once absorbed into the bloodstream, glucose circulates, causing the blood sugar level to rise. An increased level of blood sugar sends a signal to the (6) _________________ which respond by secreting the hormone insulin into the circulation. Insulin is necessary for glucose to reach and be used by several important (7) _______________tissues throughout the body. These include the liver muscle and (8) _____________ . Insulin is necessary to keep blood glucose levels stable in the body. Glucose enters the cell through a process called facilitated diffusion./js/editor20150812/dialogs/attachment_new/fileTypeImages/icon_default.gif

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. The first reading is for you to get the general idea. During the second reading, you are required to write down the missing words or phrases according to what you hear in order of numbered blanks. The third reading is for you to check your answer. Now the passage will begin. The networks that support electronic trade can 1 all the; company’s activities, including marketing and sales, purchases and logistics(物流),production, 2 and engineering. The effectiveness of e-commerce reaches its full maturity when several of the 3 operations are integrated with it: Information circulates from the sales 4 to those of purchasing and production. Information concerning sales is shared instantaneously (即刻的, 瞬间的) with wholesalers, delivery departments, manufacturers, originators and even raw materials suppliers. The security of the 5 is ensured by the use of a protected payment server.

    Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. The first reading is for you to get the general idea. During the second reading, you are required to write down the missing words or phrases according to what you hear in order of numbered blanks. The third reading is for you to check your answer. Now the passage will begin. The networks that support electronic trade can 1 all the; company’s activities, including marketing and sales, purchases and logistics(物流),production, 2 and engineering. The effectiveness of e-commerce reaches its full maturity when several of the 3 operations are integrated with it: Information circulates from the sales 4 to those of purchasing and production. Information concerning sales is shared instantaneously (即刻的, 瞬间的) with wholesalers, delivery departments, manufacturers, originators and even raw materials suppliers. The security of the 5 is ensured by the use of a protected payment server.

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    WElearn A: Species B: overlook C: threat D: hostile E: circulates F: Survival G: landmark H: learn I: extinct J: expertise K: assume L: habitat M: initiated N: fit O: vital<br>格式一:<br>World Ocean Day in the environmental calendar began on 8 June 1992. It was (1)_________by a group of environmentalists at the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. On this day, activities take place around the world. These let us appreciate how important the oceans are to us and how they are essential for our (2)_______________. It is a day for us to (3)__________about the diversity of life in the oceans and how our actions are killing many species. The day also hopes to raise awareness that our oceans are a(n) (4)_____________part of keeping our planet at the right temperature.<br>The world’s oceans are under serious (5)___________today. Over-fishing, pollution and global warming are just a few of the things damaging the seas. Climate change means sea levels are rising. Scientists (6)____________that within fifty years, many of today’s countries will be under water. A warming world also changes the way ocean water (7)______________. If parts of the world become too warm, ocean temperatures could change and cause havoc (大破坏) to the world’s weather patterns. Changing water temperatures could also make many marine species (8)_____________. Oceans are becoming saltier because of global warming. This is killing many coral reefs, which lead to many (9)_____________ of ocean life dying. We really can’t (10)______________how our lives damage the oceans.

    WElearn A: Species B: overlook C: threat D: hostile E: circulates F: Survival G: landmark H: learn I: extinct J: expertise K: assume L: habitat M: initiated N: fit O: vital<br>格式一:<br>World Ocean Day in the environmental calendar began on 8 June 1992. It was (1)_________by a group of environmentalists at the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. On this day, activities take place around the world. These let us appreciate how important the oceans are to us and how they are essential for our (2)_______________. It is a day for us to (3)__________about the diversity of life in the oceans and how our actions are killing many species. The day also hopes to raise awareness that our oceans are a(n) (4)_____________part of keeping our planet at the right temperature.<br>The world’s oceans are under serious (5)___________today. Over-fishing, pollution and global warming are just a few of the things damaging the seas. Climate change means sea levels are rising. Scientists (6)____________that within fifty years, many of today’s countries will be under water. A warming world also changes the way ocean water (7)______________. If parts of the world become too warm, ocean temperatures could change and cause havoc (大破坏) to the world’s weather patterns. Changing water temperatures could also make many marine species (8)_____________. Oceans are becoming saltier because of global warming. This is killing many coral reefs, which lead to many (9)_____________ of ocean life dying. We really can’t (10)______________how our lives damage the oceans.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Traditional Chinese medicine 1 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is built on a foundation of more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice. It includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercises, and dietary therapy, and is recently also informed by modern Western medicine. TCM is widely used in China, and is becoming increasingly available in other countries around the world. Doctrines 2 The doctrines of traditional Chinese medicine are rooted in books such as Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon [1]and Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases[2], as well as in cosmological notions such as yin and yang[3] and the five phases[4]. In recent decades, attempts have been made to integrate these doctrines with modern notions of anatomy and pathology and a systematized form of TCM has been developed and promoted by the Chinese government. 3 TCM holds that the body’s vital energy (qi) circulates through channels and collaterals (jingluo) which have branches connected to bodily organs and functions. TCM’s view of the human body is only marginally concerned with anatomical structures, but focuses primarily on the body's functions, such as digestion, breathing, temperature maintenance, aging etc. While health is perceived as the harmonious interaction of different functional entities and the outside world, disease is interpreted as disharmony in the interaction. Diagnosis in TCM aims to trace symptoms to underlying disharmony, by measuring the pulse, inspecting the tongue, skin, and eyes, and looking at the eating and sleeping habits of a person, and the like. Chinese medication 4 The major prescription in Chinese medicine is one batch of “herbal medicine” prepared as a decoction. In fact, “herbal medicine” is somewhat misleading in that, while plant elements are by far the most commonly used substances in TCM, many non-botanic substances are also utilized, including mineral substances and animal and human body parts. Thus, the term “medicinal” is usually preferred. Roughly 13,000 medicinals are being used in China and over 100,000 recipes are recorded in the ancient books of TCM. As is mentioned before, botanic elements play a major role of medicinals. Traditional Chinese therapies 5 Besides drug therapies, many other kinds of medical therapies are used in TCM. Acupuncture is used in traditional Chinese treatment to influence the flow of qi, which is believed to be a vital force that flows through our body. It is often accompanied by moxibustion which involves burning dried mugwort leaves on or near the skin at an acupuncture point. Another type of therapy used in Chinese medicine is cupping, in which several glass "cups" are placed on the body. A match is lit and placed inside the cup and then removed before placing the cup against the skin. As the air in the cup is heated, it expands and then cools, creating lower pressure inside the cup that allows the cup to stick to the skin via suction. Still another Chinese therapy is guasha, in which the skin is abraded with pieces of smooth jade, animal tusks or homs or smooth stones until red spots occur. 6 Food therapy, also called nutrition therapy or dietary therapy, is a mode of dieting rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and beliefs concerning the effects of food on the human organism. Its basic concepts are a mix of Chinese folk views of eating in moderation and some viewpoints drawn from traditional Chinese medicine. Different foods are classified into two categories-yin and yang, and they are recommended to be consumed in a balanced fashion. Food therapy has long been a common approach to maintaining health among Chinese people, and has been popularized overseas in recent years. Spread of TCM 7 Traditional physicians, who also receive some Western medical training, are still primary caregivers in some parts of rural China. Various traditional preventative and self-healing techniques such as qigong, which combines gentle exercise and meditation, are widely practised as an adjunct to professional health care in China. 8 There are some efforts around the world to incorporate TCM into public health systems. The US National Institute of Health (NIH) noted that, “Acupuncture has the largest body of evidence and is considered safe if practiced correctly.” In the academic field, however, most scientific publications require that studies of traditional Chinese medicine follow the same methodological framework as studies of Western medicine. This rule gives primacy to Western approaches to medicine. Consequently, TCM is no longer independent, but is viewed within the context of Western medicine. TCM has come to be viewed by the mainstream medic community as complementary rather than the primary paradigm. This role negates the concept of TCM, which is holistic in nature and takes account of more signs and symptoms, both somatic and psychic than Western medicine. 9 Recently, however, Yale researchers brought some good news to TCM. They found that huangqin tang, a Chinese herb mixture, is effective at reducing chemotherapy's side effects, including diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. Phase II clinical trials for the herb mixture are being funded by the NIH's National Cancer Institute. It exemplifies that TOM has the potential to go mainstream. [1] Yellow Emperor's inner Canon(《黄帝内经》 s the earliest written work about traditional chi medicine It was compiled during the Warring States Period and is regarded as the fundame doctnnal source of traditional Chinese medicine [2] Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases《伤寒杂病论》) s a Chinese medical treaties by Zhang Zhongjing at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. [3] Yin and yang (阴阳), in Chinese philosophy, describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and they interrelate to one another. [4] Five phases(五行),sometimes also translated as the five elements theory, presumes that the five elements-- wood (木), fire (火), earth (土), metal (金),and water (水)---are the foundation of everything in the universe.

    Traditional Chinese medicine 1 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is built on a foundation of more than 2,500 years of Chinese medical practice. It includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercises, and dietary therapy, and is recently also informed by modern Western medicine. TCM is widely used in China, and is becoming increasingly available in other countries around the world. Doctrines 2 The doctrines of traditional Chinese medicine are rooted in books such as Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon [1]and Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases[2], as well as in cosmological notions such as yin and yang[3] and the five phases[4]. In recent decades, attempts have been made to integrate these doctrines with modern notions of anatomy and pathology and a systematized form of TCM has been developed and promoted by the Chinese government. 3 TCM holds that the body’s vital energy (qi) circulates through channels and collaterals (jingluo) which have branches connected to bodily organs and functions. TCM’s view of the human body is only marginally concerned with anatomical structures, but focuses primarily on the body's functions, such as digestion, breathing, temperature maintenance, aging etc. While health is perceived as the harmonious interaction of different functional entities and the outside world, disease is interpreted as disharmony in the interaction. Diagnosis in TCM aims to trace symptoms to underlying disharmony, by measuring the pulse, inspecting the tongue, skin, and eyes, and looking at the eating and sleeping habits of a person, and the like. Chinese medication 4 The major prescription in Chinese medicine is one batch of “herbal medicine” prepared as a decoction. In fact, “herbal medicine” is somewhat misleading in that, while plant elements are by far the most commonly used substances in TCM, many non-botanic substances are also utilized, including mineral substances and animal and human body parts. Thus, the term “medicinal” is usually preferred. Roughly 13,000 medicinals are being used in China and over 100,000 recipes are recorded in the ancient books of TCM. As is mentioned before, botanic elements play a major role of medicinals. Traditional Chinese therapies 5 Besides drug therapies, many other kinds of medical therapies are used in TCM. Acupuncture is used in traditional Chinese treatment to influence the flow of qi, which is believed to be a vital force that flows through our body. It is often accompanied by moxibustion which involves burning dried mugwort leaves on or near the skin at an acupuncture point. Another type of therapy used in Chinese medicine is cupping, in which several glass "cups" are placed on the body. A match is lit and placed inside the cup and then removed before placing the cup against the skin. As the air in the cup is heated, it expands and then cools, creating lower pressure inside the cup that allows the cup to stick to the skin via suction. Still another Chinese therapy is guasha, in which the skin is abraded with pieces of smooth jade, animal tusks or homs or smooth stones until red spots occur. 6 Food therapy, also called nutrition therapy or dietary therapy, is a mode of dieting rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and beliefs concerning the effects of food on the human organism. Its basic concepts are a mix of Chinese folk views of eating in moderation and some viewpoints drawn from traditional Chinese medicine. Different foods are classified into two categories-yin and yang, and they are recommended to be consumed in a balanced fashion. Food therapy has long been a common approach to maintaining health among Chinese people, and has been popularized overseas in recent years. Spread of TCM 7 Traditional physicians, who also receive some Western medical training, are still primary caregivers in some parts of rural China. Various traditional preventative and self-healing techniques such as qigong, which combines gentle exercise and meditation, are widely practised as an adjunct to professional health care in China. 8 There are some efforts around the world to incorporate TCM into public health systems. The US National Institute of Health (NIH) noted that, “Acupuncture has the largest body of evidence and is considered safe if practiced correctly.” In the academic field, however, most scientific publications require that studies of traditional Chinese medicine follow the same methodological framework as studies of Western medicine. This rule gives primacy to Western approaches to medicine. Consequently, TCM is no longer independent, but is viewed within the context of Western medicine. TCM has come to be viewed by the mainstream medic community as complementary rather than the primary paradigm. This role negates the concept of TCM, which is holistic in nature and takes account of more signs and symptoms, both somatic and psychic than Western medicine. 9 Recently, however, Yale researchers brought some good news to TCM. They found that huangqin tang, a Chinese herb mixture, is effective at reducing chemotherapy's side effects, including diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. Phase II clinical trials for the herb mixture are being funded by the NIH's National Cancer Institute. It exemplifies that TOM has the potential to go mainstream. [1] Yellow Emperor's inner Canon(《黄帝内经》 s the earliest written work about traditional chi medicine It was compiled during the Warring States Period and is regarded as the fundame doctnnal source of traditional Chinese medicine [2] Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases《伤寒杂病论》) s a Chinese medical treaties by Zhang Zhongjing at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. [3] Yin and yang (阴阳), in Chinese philosophy, describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and they interrelate to one another. [4] Five phases(五行),sometimes also translated as the five elements theory, presumes that the five elements-- wood (木), fire (火), earth (土), metal (金),and water (水)---are the foundation of everything in the universe.

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