The decimal number represented by IEEE single precision floating-point number 11000010010011111000000000000000 is—— A: -51.825 B: -50.625 C: 51.825 D: -103.75
The decimal number represented by IEEE single precision floating-point number 11000010010011111000000000000000 is—— A: -51.825 B: -50.625 C: 51.825 D: -103.75
precision targeting
precision targeting
What is the bit width of a single-precision floating-point number? A: 16 B: 32 C: 64 D: 128
What is the bit width of a single-precision floating-point number? A: 16 B: 32 C: 64 D: 128
用于描述卫星的几何分布对测量精度影响的精度衰减因子有()等。 A: AGDOP–Geometry Dilution of Precision,几何精度衰减因子 B: BPDOP–Position Dilution of Precision,位置精度衰减因子 C: CTDOP–Time Dilution of Precision,时间精度衰减因子 D: DHDOP–Horizontal Dilution of Precision,平面精度衰减因子 E: EVDOP–Vertical Dilution of Precision,高程精度衰减因子
用于描述卫星的几何分布对测量精度影响的精度衰减因子有()等。 A: AGDOP–Geometry Dilution of Precision,几何精度衰减因子 B: BPDOP–Position Dilution of Precision,位置精度衰减因子 C: CTDOP–Time Dilution of Precision,时间精度衰减因子 D: DHDOP–Horizontal Dilution of Precision,平面精度衰减因子 E: EVDOP–Vertical Dilution of Precision,高程精度衰减因子
有关机器学习分类算法的Precision和Recall,以下定义中正确的是(假定tp = true positive, tn = true negative, fp = false positive, fn = false negative)( ) A: Precision = tp / (tn + fn), Recall = tp /(tp + fp) B: Precision= tp / (tp + fp), Recall = tp / (tp + fn) C: Precision = tp / (tn + fp), Recall = tp /(tp + fn) D: Precision = tp / (tp + fp), Recall = tp /(tn + fn)
有关机器学习分类算法的Precision和Recall,以下定义中正确的是(假定tp = true positive, tn = true negative, fp = false positive, fn = false negative)( ) A: Precision = tp / (tn + fn), Recall = tp /(tp + fp) B: Precision= tp / (tp + fp), Recall = tp / (tp + fn) C: Precision = tp / (tn + fp), Recall = tp /(tp + fn) D: Precision = tp / (tp + fp), Recall = tp /(tn + fn)
A scientist must be __________ (precision) while performing experiments.
A scientist must be __________ (precision) while performing experiments.
The first of these is correctness and precision in the use of the mother tongue.
The first of these is correctness and precision in the use of the mother tongue.
数据新闻的英文全程是Precision Journalism.
数据新闻的英文全程是Precision Journalism.
Hip replacement surgery is______joint replacement surgery in the U.S. A: the single most frequent B: the most single frequent C: the single frequent D: a single frequent
Hip replacement surgery is______joint replacement surgery in the U.S. A: the single most frequent B: the most single frequent C: the single frequent D: a single frequent
What are the bit width and bias of the exponential field of a single-precision floating-point number, respectively? A: 8,127 B: 7,127 C: 7,128 D: 8,128
What are the bit width and bias of the exponential field of a single-precision floating-point number, respectively? A: 8,127 B: 7,127 C: 7,128 D: 8,128