• 2022-05-27 问题

    The function of immunological defense refers to ( ). A: prevent pathogenic microorganisms invading the body B: inhibit the proliferation and spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the body C: clear the old, dead, or damaged cells in the body D: remove pathogenic microorganisms and their products from the body

    The function of immunological defense refers to ( ). A: prevent pathogenic microorganisms invading the body B: inhibit the proliferation and spread of pathogenic microorganisms in the body C: clear the old, dead, or damaged cells in the body D: remove pathogenic microorganisms and their products from the body

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    If the tongue coating changes from thin to thick, it indicates that A: pathogenic qi goes out from the interior to the exterior B: excess pattern turns into deficiency pattern C: exterior pathogenic qi goes in to interior D: cold pattern turns into heat pattern

    If the tongue coating changes from thin to thick, it indicates that A: pathogenic qi goes out from the interior to the exterior B: excess pattern turns into deficiency pattern C: exterior pathogenic qi goes in to interior D: cold pattern turns into heat pattern

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Both psychotherapy and drugs are effective for most _________disorders although the effects kick in on different timetables. A: pathogenic B: psychiatric C: pathologic D: psychoanalytic

    Both psychotherapy and drugs are effective for most _________disorders although the effects kick in on different timetables. A: pathogenic B: psychiatric C: pathologic D: psychoanalytic

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    What are the elements of syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine? ( ) A: nature of disease B: cause of disease C: relationship between healthy qi and pathogenic factors D: location of disease

    What are the elements of syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine? ( ) A: nature of disease B: cause of disease C: relationship between healthy qi and pathogenic factors D: location of disease

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    Which of the following diseases are caused by pathogenic dampness? A: Sticky and greasy stool B: Heaviness of limbs C: Head as heavy as being swathed D: White and greasy tongue coating

    Which of the following diseases are caused by pathogenic dampness? A: Sticky and greasy stool B: Heaviness of limbs C: Head as heavy as being swathed D: White and greasy tongue coating

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The causes of pain include: A: qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm turbidity B: exogenous pathogenic factors attack C: kidney essence deficiency D: qi and blood deficiency

    The causes of pain include: A: qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm turbidity B: exogenous pathogenic factors attack C: kidney essence deficiency D: qi and blood deficiency

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    which of following do not belong to pathogenic variations of the endogenous genes ( ) A: gene amplification B: abnormal gene expression C: invasion of the foreign genes D: gene arrangement E: point mutation

    which of following do not belong to pathogenic variations of the endogenous genes ( ) A: gene amplification B: abnormal gene expression C: invasion of the foreign genes D: gene arrangement E: point mutation

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Who found the cause of infectious disease is the epidemic pathogenic factors coming into the body from mouth and nose in 1642? A: Li Dongyuan B: Wu Youke C: Zhang Zhongjing D: Wu Jutong

    Who found the cause of infectious disease is the epidemic pathogenic factors coming into the body from mouth and nose in 1642? A: Li Dongyuan B: Wu Youke C: Zhang Zhongjing D: Wu Jutong

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    Which<br/>of the following bacterium does not depend on endotoxin or exotoxin<br/>as pathogenic material?:() A: Ehrlichia<br/>coli B: Bacillus<br/>anthracis C: Mycobacterium<br/>tuberculosis D: Clostridium<br/>tetani E: Vibrio<br/>cholerae

    Which<br/>of the following bacterium does not depend on endotoxin or exotoxin<br/>as pathogenic material?:() A: Ehrlichia<br/>coli B: Bacillus<br/>anthracis C: Mycobacterium<br/>tuberculosis D: Clostridium<br/>tetani E: Vibrio<br/>cholerae

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    The general principle of prevention and treatment of atopic dermatitis is A: Avoid various suspicious pathogenic factors B: Avoid excessive skin cleansing C: Use emollient after bath to restore skin barrier function D: All of the above E: Avoid scratching

    The general principle of prevention and treatment of atopic dermatitis is A: Avoid various suspicious pathogenic factors B: Avoid excessive skin cleansing C: Use emollient after bath to restore skin barrier function D: All of the above E: Avoid scratching

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