• 2022-06-17 问题

    以下哪项行为是忒修斯最大的成就?( ) A: 挫败美狄亚毒害他的企图。 B: 杀死米诺陶怪拯救雅典青年。 C: 绑架海伦并进入冥界。 D: 杀死Sinis、Sciron 和Procustes 等土匪。

    以下哪项行为是忒修斯最大的成就?( ) A: 挫败美狄亚毒害他的企图。 B: 杀死米诺陶怪拯救雅典青年。 C: 绑架海伦并进入冥界。 D: 杀死Sinis、Sciron 和Procustes 等土匪。

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    What feature is shared in Theseus’ adventures with the bandits(土匪) like Sinis, Sciron and Procustes? A: He demonstrated his strength like Heracles in defeating his enemies. B: He was good at getting as many helping hands as possible. C: He prayed to gods and finally got their support. D: He treated his enemies in the way they treated their victims.

    What feature is shared in Theseus’ adventures with the bandits(土匪) like Sinis, Sciron and Procustes? A: He demonstrated his strength like Heracles in defeating his enemies. B: He was good at getting as many helping hands as possible. C: He prayed to gods and finally got their support. D: He treated his enemies in the way they treated their victims.

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