淮海zhan役是国共军队的又一次大决zhan,其中心是() A: 南京 B: 合肥 C: 徐州 D: 郑州
淮海zhan役是国共军队的又一次大决zhan,其中心是() A: 南京 B: 合肥 C: 徐州 D: 郑州
Who is the father of Chinese Railway? A: Mao Yisheng. B: Zhang Luxin. C: Zhan Tianyou. D: Qian Zhongshu.
Who is the father of Chinese Railway? A: Mao Yisheng. B: Zhang Luxin. C: Zhan Tianyou. D: Qian Zhongshu.
The chief engineer of Jing-Zhang Railway is _______. A: Zhan Tianyou B: Sun Yat-sen C: Mao Yisheng D: Zhang Luxin
The chief engineer of Jing-Zhang Railway is _______. A: Zhan Tianyou B: Sun Yat-sen C: Mao Yisheng D: Zhang Luxin
加强zhan备管理,要管好“两室两库”,其中两室包括() A: 器材室 B: 储藏室 C: 学习室 D: 办公室
加强zhan备管理,要管好“两室两库”,其中两室包括() A: 器材室 B: 储藏室 C: 学习室 D: 办公室
快速认读下列句子,并注上汉字: Ren lei she hui de li shi shou xian shi sheng chan fa zhan de Ii shi.
快速认读下列句子,并注上汉字: Ren lei she hui de li shi shou xian shi sheng chan fa zhan de Ii shi.
肖战的忠实的拥护者们几乎把他当神一样看待。(请用现在时) Xiao Zhan’s devoted supporters ________ him with an almost godlike status(地位).
肖战的忠实的拥护者们几乎把他当神一样看待。(请用现在时) Xiao Zhan’s devoted supporters ________ him with an almost godlike status(地位).
In the Tang Dynasty, ( )’s Buddhist paintings were the<br/>popular standard lasting for a long time, and known as the “Zhou<br/>Style”. A: Zhou Fang B: Wu Daozi C: Zhang Xuan D: Zhan Ziqian
In the Tang Dynasty, ( )’s Buddhist paintings were the<br/>popular standard lasting for a long time, and known as the “Zhou<br/>Style”. A: Zhou Fang B: Wu Daozi C: Zhang Xuan D: Zhan Ziqian
纽约大都会博物馆设计了被称为“明轩”的中国园林是仿( )所建。What is the designed Chinese garden called "Ming Pavilion" of the Metropolitan Museum of New York imitated by? A: 拙政园The Humble Administrator's Garden B: 留园The Lingering Garden C: 网师园殿春簃The "Peony Study" in the Master-of-Net's Garden D: 瞻园The Zhan Yuan Garden
纽约大都会博物馆设计了被称为“明轩”的中国园林是仿( )所建。What is the designed Chinese garden called "Ming Pavilion" of the Metropolitan Museum of New York imitated by? A: 拙政园The Humble Administrator's Garden B: 留园The Lingering Garden C: 网师园殿春簃The "Peony Study" in the Master-of-Net's Garden D: 瞻园The Zhan Yuan Garden
下列画线的字读音完全正确的一组是:()。 A: 暂 (zan)时 要挟 (xie) 畸(ji)形 塑(shuo)造 B: 暂 (zhan)时要挟 (xie) 畸(qi)形塑(su)造 C: 暂 (zan)时 要挟 (xie) 畸(qi)形 塑(shuo)造 D: 暂 (zan)时 要挟 (xie) 畸(ji)形 塑(su))造
下列画线的字读音完全正确的一组是:()。 A: 暂 (zan)时 要挟 (xie) 畸(ji)形 塑(shuo)造 B: 暂 (zhan)时要挟 (xie) 畸(qi)形塑(su)造 C: 暂 (zan)时 要挟 (xie) 畸(qi)形 塑(shuo)造 D: 暂 (zan)时 要挟 (xie) 畸(ji)形 塑(su))造