Set your smart phone to the vibration mode in office.
Set your smart phone to the vibration mode in office.
Vibration of the vocal is the criterion that distinguishes vowels from consonants.
Vibration of the vocal is the criterion that distinguishes vowels from consonants.
For a MDOF system, which one is needed to calculate its vibration frequencies? A: the mass matrix [M] B: the damping matrix [C] C: the stiffness matrix [K] D: the vibration modes
For a MDOF system, which one is needed to calculate its vibration frequencies? A: the mass matrix [M] B: the damping matrix [C] C: the stiffness matrix [K] D: the vibration modes
中国大学MOOC: Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing.
中国大学MOOC: Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called voicing.
VR的全称是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Virtual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration Reduction
VR的全称是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Virtual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration Reduction
VR的全称是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Virtual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration Reduction
VR的全称是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Virtual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration Reduction
That baseball ______ is hired to coach the adolescent players on a<br/>baseball team. A: spice B: eyesore C: veteran D: vibration
That baseball ______ is hired to coach the adolescent players on a<br/>baseball team. A: spice B: eyesore C: veteran D: vibration
NVH由()构成? A: Noise(噪声) B: Vibration(振动) C: Harshness(声振粗糙度) D: 音乐
NVH由()构成? A: Noise(噪声) B: Vibration(振动) C: Harshness(声振粗糙度) D: 音乐
“VR”的英文全拼是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Visual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration Reduction
“VR”的英文全拼是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Visual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration Reduction
VR的全称是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Virtual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration<br/>Reduction
VR的全称是( ) A: Virtual Reality B: Virtual Rock C: Volume Ratio D: Vibration<br/>Reduction