Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son?
Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son?
Q: The author is most likely to think that Ludlow in Shropshire_______.
Q: The author is most likely to think that Ludlow in Shropshire_______.
Why does Colonel Ludlow move his families to a remote part of Montana?
Why does Colonel Ludlow move his families to a remote part of Montana?
Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son? A: Alfred B: Triston C: Samuel D: He loves them all.
Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son? A: Alfred B: Triston C: Samuel D: He loves them all.
Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son? A: Alfred B: Triston C: Samuel D: He loves them all.
Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son? A: Alfred B: Triston C: Samuel D: He loves them all.
Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son?( ) A: Samuel B: He loves them all the same. C: Alfred D: Triston
Who is Colonel Ludlow’s favorite son?( ) A: Samuel B: He loves them all the same. C: Alfred D: Triston