• 2022-06-07 问题

    M: I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith.W: Ok. Let’s see. He’s available on Tuesday or Thursday.M: Thursday would be better for me.W: Morning or afternoonM: In the morning, if possible.W: How does 9: 15 soundM: 9: 15 Thursday. That’s fine. What time will the man see the doctor() A: 9: 15 Tuesday. B: 9: 15 Thursday. C: 15: 00 Thursday.

    M: I’d like to make an appointment to see Doctor Smith.W: Ok. Let’s see. He’s available on Tuesday or Thursday.M: Thursday would be better for me.W: Morning or afternoonM: In the morning, if possible.W: How does 9: 15 soundM: 9: 15 Thursday. That’s fine. What time will the man see the doctor() A: 9: 15 Tuesday. B: 9: 15 Thursday. C: 15: 00 Thursday.

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