• 2022-06-16 问题

    以下()属性不属于表单标记的属性。 A: Name B: Src C: Methovd D: Actio

    以下()属性不属于表单标记的属性。 A: Name B: Src C: Methovd D: Actio

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    将通用对话框类型,设置为字体对话框,可修改该控件的()属性. A: font B: filename C: filter D: actio

    将通用对话框类型,设置为字体对话框,可修改该控件的()属性. A: font B: filename C: filter D: actio

  • 2022-06-14 问题

    戴明循环的四个阶段是() A: 计划Plan B: 组织Organize C: 执行Do D: 检查Check E: 处理Actio

    戴明循环的四个阶段是() A: 计划Plan B: 组织Organize C: 执行Do D: 检查Check E: 处理Actio

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    以下关于PDCA循环原理解释正确的有() A: P代表plan B: D代表do C: C代表check D: A代表actio

    以下关于PDCA循环原理解释正确的有() A: P代表plan B: D代表do C: C代表check D: A代表actio

  • 2022-07-27 问题

    在施工质量计划阶段,明确目标并制订实现目标行动方案的活动是( )。 A: 计划(Pla B: 实施(D C: 检查(Chec D: 处理(Actio

    在施工质量计划阶段,明确目标并制订实现目标行动方案的活动是( )。 A: 计划(Pla B: 实施(D C: 检查(Chec D: 处理(Actio

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    You are the project manager responsible for developing a software application based on customer requirements.As the customer requirements keep changing frequently,what tool can you use to conduct integrated change control of your project ?() A: Project selection method B: Additional plannin C: Corrective actio D: Project management information syste

    You are the project manager responsible for developing a software application based on customer requirements.As the customer requirements keep changing frequently,what tool can you use to conduct integrated change control of your project ?() A: Project selection method B: Additional plannin C: Corrective actio D: Project management information syste

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    When is a stand-on vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to avoid collision?() A: When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other B: When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision C: When collision is imminent D: The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take actio

    When is a stand-on vessel FIRST allowed by the Rules to take action in order to avoid collision?() A: When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each other B: When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collision C: When collision is imminent D: The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take actio

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port. He informs the Chief Officer that he won’t return. After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seaman’s work clothes in his locker. How should the Master handle this matter?() A: Log the seaman as a deserter B: Log the seaman as a fail to join C: Log the seaman for misconduct D: Take no actio

    A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port. He informs the Chief Officer that he won’t return. After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seaman’s work clothes in his locker. How should the Master handle this matter?() A: Log the seaman as a deserter B: Log the seaman as a fail to join C: Log the seaman for misconduct D: Take no actio

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    下列关于诉权说法正确的是:( ) A: 公法诉权说的出现是民事诉讼法逐步脱离民事实体法的标志之一。 B: 罗马法上的“actio”是大陆法系诉权理论的源头。 C: 诉权的主体不仅仅限于当事人。 D: 没有民事实体权利也有可能享有诉权。

    下列关于诉权说法正确的是:( ) A: 公法诉权说的出现是民事诉讼法逐步脱离民事实体法的标志之一。 B: 罗马法上的“actio”是大陆法系诉权理论的源头。 C: 诉权的主体不仅仅限于当事人。 D: 没有民事实体权利也有可能享有诉权。

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    要在表单中添加提交按钮,实现在用户单击“提交”按钮时,自动将表单提交到ACTION属性中指定的位置。下列语句正确的是() A: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="">;<;INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 提交" NAME="b1">;<;/FORM>; B: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="">;<;INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE=" 提交" NAME="reset1">;<;/FORM>; C: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTIO”N= <;INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="提 交 "NAME="submit1">;<;/FORM>; D: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="">;<;BUTTON TYPE="submit" VALUE="提交" NAME="b1">;<;BUTTON>;<;/FORM>;

    要在表单中添加提交按钮,实现在用户单击“提交”按钮时,自动将表单提交到ACTION属性中指定的位置。下列语句正确的是() A: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="">;<;INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE=" 提交" NAME="b1">;<;/FORM>; B: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="">;<;INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE=" 提交" NAME="reset1">;<;/FORM>; C: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTIO”N= <;INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="提 交 "NAME="submit1">;<;/FORM>; D: <;FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="">;<;BUTTON TYPE="submit" VALUE="提交" NAME="b1">;<;BUTTON>;<;/FORM>;

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