• 2022-06-06 问题

    Mary is interested in _____ .() A: hike B: hiking C: hikes

    Mary is interested in _____ .() A: hike B: hiking C: hikes

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    The following sentences use parallel structures correctly EXCEPT__.( ) A: Tom enjoys taking hikes, ride his bicycle and paraglide in his free time. B: I went home, take a shower, change my clothes and eat some lunch. C: Driving through the German countryside and speaking to the people, Mark began to understand the culture better. D: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

    The following sentences use parallel structures correctly EXCEPT__.( ) A: Tom enjoys taking hikes, ride his bicycle and paraglide in his free time. B: I went home, take a shower, change my clothes and eat some lunch. C: Driving through the German countryside and speaking to the people, Mark began to understand the culture better. D: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The strike for Wednesday and Thursday has been called by the two big unions that cover public and private sector workers. The 48-hour strike comes as parliament prepares to vote on the latest round of austerity measures, including more tax hikes, pay cuts and job losses. There have been lightning strikes across virtually every sector of the economy, with rubbish not collected and government ministries blocked by their own workers. Government departments, businesses, offices and stores are all expected to be shut, with small business owners and shopkeepers taking part in strike action for the first time. Air traffic controllers will stage a 12-hour walk-out. Trains, buses, taxis and lorries will not be operating. Law-makers are voting on two bills on Wednesday and Thursday that include cuts to the pay and pensions of public sector workers, higher taxes and the suspension (暂停) of collective labor agreements. Greece finds itself with rising unemployment and a stalled economy, with a government debt that is 162% of its gross domestic product. The long-term bond markets have shut Greece out over fears that it can no longer meet its debt obligations. The EU and the IMF have stepped in with two rescue packages but the second has not been finalised. Meanwhile, Greece says it needs further help in installment from the first package of assisting loans agreed last year or it will run out of money to pay its bills in November. With fears the problems besetting (包围,困扰) Athens might spread to other eurozone countries with heavy debts such as Spain and Italy, EU leaders meeting this weekend are struggling to forge a plan that will protect the region from a Greek default. Measures could include propping up banks exposed to Greek debt and enlarging the eurozone's rescue fund.

    The strike for Wednesday and Thursday has been called by the two big unions that cover public and private sector workers. The 48-hour strike comes as parliament prepares to vote on the latest round of austerity measures, including more tax hikes, pay cuts and job losses. There have been lightning strikes across virtually every sector of the economy, with rubbish not collected and government ministries blocked by their own workers. Government departments, businesses, offices and stores are all expected to be shut, with small business owners and shopkeepers taking part in strike action for the first time. Air traffic controllers will stage a 12-hour walk-out. Trains, buses, taxis and lorries will not be operating. Law-makers are voting on two bills on Wednesday and Thursday that include cuts to the pay and pensions of public sector workers, higher taxes and the suspension (暂停) of collective labor agreements. Greece finds itself with rising unemployment and a stalled economy, with a government debt that is 162% of its gross domestic product. The long-term bond markets have shut Greece out over fears that it can no longer meet its debt obligations. The EU and the IMF have stepped in with two rescue packages but the second has not been finalised. Meanwhile, Greece says it needs further help in installment from the first package of assisting loans agreed last year or it will run out of money to pay its bills in November. With fears the problems besetting (包围,困扰) Athens might spread to other eurozone countries with heavy debts such as Spain and Italy, EU leaders meeting this weekend are struggling to forge a plan that will protect the region from a Greek default. Measures could include propping up banks exposed to Greek debt and enlarging the eurozone's rescue fund.

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