Shared spaces: a) shared spaces for interaction and 5) ______. b) shared desks at the Cambridge Innovation Center. c) a shared shop and shared fab lab, shared quiet spaces, electronics spaces, 6)______ in Finland.
Shared spaces: a) shared spaces for interaction and 5) ______. b) shared desks at the Cambridge Innovation Center. c) a shared shop and shared fab lab, shared quiet spaces, electronics spaces, 6)______ in Finland.
shared electric scooter
shared electric scooter
下面关于Shared Preferences(轻量存储) 描述正确的是( )。 A: SharedPreferences是用来存储一些Key/Value类似的成对的基本数据类型。 B: 它只能存储基本数据类型,也即int, long, boolean, String, float等。 C: 最适合SharedPreferences的地方就是保存配置信息。 D: 存放的文件位置:/data/data/应用程序包/shared_prefs/文件名.xml。
下面关于Shared Preferences(轻量存储) 描述正确的是( )。 A: SharedPreferences是用来存储一些Key/Value类似的成对的基本数据类型。 B: 它只能存储基本数据类型,也即int, long, boolean, String, float等。 C: 最适合SharedPreferences的地方就是保存配置信息。 D: 存放的文件位置:/data/data/应用程序包/shared_prefs/文件名.xml。
When I was at college, I ________ a desk with John. We were deskmates. A: used as B: had fo C: shared D: shared to
When I was at college, I ________ a desk with John. We were deskmates. A: used as B: had fo C: shared D: shared to
In high-context culture, most of information in communication is not conveyed by______________. A: verbal language B: shared norms C: shared values D: context
In high-context culture, most of information in communication is not conveyed by______________. A: verbal language B: shared norms C: shared values D: context
A conventional sense of beauty one which is _______. A: shared and understood by most people B: different from what is shared and understaood by most people
A conventional sense of beauty one which is _______. A: shared and understood by most people B: different from what is shared and understaood by most people
Shared Preferences 是什么?有什么用?
Shared Preferences 是什么?有什么用?
Building a community with a shared futur...and beautiful world.
Building a community with a shared futur...and beautiful world.
are defined as “socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors.”
are defined as “socially shared expectations of appropriate behaviors.”