• 2022-05-31 问题

    The basic treatment of diabetes is to clear heat and moisten dryness, nourish Yin and produce body fluid.

    The basic treatment of diabetes is to clear heat and moisten dryness, nourish Yin and produce body fluid.

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    用湿布清除座椅上所有松散的污垢。 A: Remove all loose dirt from the seat with a moist cloth. B: Remove all loose dirt from the seat with a damp cloth. C: Moisten a cloth to remove all loose dirt from the seat.

    用湿布清除座椅上所有松散的污垢。 A: Remove all loose dirt from the seat with a moist cloth. B: Remove all loose dirt from the seat with a damp cloth. C: Moisten a cloth to remove all loose dirt from the seat.

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    Which of the follow is the efficacy of Sangye A: Calm the liver and subdue yang, extinguish wind and relieve convulsion B: Dispel wind and clear heat, extinguish wind and relieve convulsion C: Scatter and dissipate wind-heat, clear the lung and moisten dryness D: Cleat heat and relieve cough, clear heat and resolve toxin E: Dispel wind and clear heat, soothe throat

    Which of the follow is the efficacy of Sangye A: Calm the liver and subdue yang, extinguish wind and relieve convulsion B: Dispel wind and clear heat, extinguish wind and relieve convulsion C: Scatter and dissipate wind-heat, clear the lung and moisten dryness D: Cleat heat and relieve cough, clear heat and resolve toxin E: Dispel wind and clear heat, soothe throat

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    lengthier locals registration lured sipping arrays panic overflowing paved dairy 1) It is a common sense that marriage without is not recognized by law. 2) Some migrant workers are to Singapore by agents but then find there are no jobs for them. 3) Although my bookcase is full and my drawers are , I still have a million boxes of stuff all over the floor. 4) This journey became and more dramatic than she thought at the start, and it finally took her a year away from her work. 5) Parks play a big role in making a city desirable for both and visitors. 6) In the eyes of some African children, America has roads in gold and everybody lives in Hollywood. 7) We visited the local markets and saw wonderful of fruit and vegetables. 8) The school-age kids don't about losing their jobs, but they have their own anxieties, such as being unpopular or having bad grades. 9) This is a healthy diet with more vegetables and fruits but less meat, , and processed food. 10) Since a beverage helps moisten and wash down food, eating encourages us to drink more liquid.

    lengthier locals registration lured sipping arrays panic overflowing paved dairy 1) It is a common sense that marriage without is not recognized by law. 2) Some migrant workers are to Singapore by agents but then find there are no jobs for them. 3) Although my bookcase is full and my drawers are , I still have a million boxes of stuff all over the floor. 4) This journey became and more dramatic than she thought at the start, and it finally took her a year away from her work. 5) Parks play a big role in making a city desirable for both and visitors. 6) In the eyes of some African children, America has roads in gold and everybody lives in Hollywood. 7) We visited the local markets and saw wonderful of fruit and vegetables. 8) The school-age kids don't about losing their jobs, but they have their own anxieties, such as being unpopular or having bad grades. 9) This is a healthy diet with more vegetables and fruits but less meat, , and processed food. 10) Since a beverage helps moisten and wash down food, eating encourages us to drink more liquid.

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