When a force is applied to the spinning gyro, the rotor moves in a same direction of the applied force.
When a force is applied to the spinning gyro, the rotor moves in a same direction of the applied force.
14. The magnetic compass magnets are acted on by the horizontal component of the Earth's total magnetic force. This magnetic force is GREATEST at the ______.
14. The magnetic compass magnets are acted on by the horizontal component of the Earth's total magnetic force. This magnetic force is GREATEST at the ______.
中国大学MOOC: A particle of mass m is exerted with a force. Which of the following forces is not a conservative force?(g, k, C, D and γ are constants, and υ is the speed of particle.)
中国大学MOOC: A particle of mass m is exerted with a force. Which of the following forces is not a conservative force?(g, k, C, D and γ are constants, and υ is the speed of particle.)
All people in the working-age population can be divided into A: labor force participants. B: employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force. C: either over-employed or under-employed. D: potential employees.
All people in the working-age population can be divided into A: labor force participants. B: employed, unemployed, or not in the labor force. C: either over-employed or under-employed. D: potential employees.
An axial compressive force F=Fcr is acting on an ideal column in linear equilibrium. And then the column produces the bending deformation due to a small lateral disturbing force. If the disturbing force is removed at this time, ( ) . A: The bending deformation will disappear and return to a straight line B: The bending deformation is reduced and the straight line shape can not be restored C: The bending state is not changed D: The bending deformation continues to increase
An axial compressive force F=Fcr is acting on an ideal column in linear equilibrium. And then the column produces the bending deformation due to a small lateral disturbing force. If the disturbing force is removed at this time, ( ) . A: The bending deformation will disappear and return to a straight line B: The bending deformation is reduced and the straight line shape can not be restored C: The bending state is not changed D: The bending deformation continues to increase
For the fist position of Chinese Kung fu, what principle should be followed? A: neither complicated nor beautiful, but practical. B: an appropriate balance between hardness and softness. C: pure hard force or pure soft force. D: never act upon anger.
For the fist position of Chinese Kung fu, what principle should be followed? A: neither complicated nor beautiful, but practical. B: an appropriate balance between hardness and softness. C: pure hard force or pure soft force. D: never act upon anger.
Which one is the essential of Bazou shi? A: Ensure the force of strike under control. Do not exert sudden force. B: Lift with upward palms,cross palms and separate hands outwards C: Concentrate strength on arms ,push forward D: Cross with upward palms and push forward
Which one is the essential of Bazou shi? A: Ensure the force of strike under control. Do not exert sudden force. B: Lift with upward palms,cross palms and separate hands outwards C: Concentrate strength on arms ,push forward D: Cross with upward palms and push forward
help restore physical force.
help restore physical force.
Which forces belong to external forces(). A: spring force B: damper force C: actuator force D: gravity force
Which forces belong to external forces(). A: spring force B: damper force C: actuator force D: gravity force
__________ does not support topic sentence: I would sooner be in the Air Force than any other service branch. A: a. I’m more interested in flying than in any other military occupation. B: b. There are greater opportunities for advancement in the Air Force. C: c. Service in the Air Force is far more exciting than that in the Navy. D: d. My cousin went to college after his graduation from high school.
__________ does not support topic sentence: I would sooner be in the Air Force than any other service branch. A: a. I’m more interested in flying than in any other military occupation. B: b. There are greater opportunities for advancement in the Air Force. C: c. Service in the Air Force is far more exciting than that in the Navy. D: d. My cousin went to college after his graduation from high school.