• 2022-06-11 问题

    选择合适的词并以正确形式填空: A.insteadofB.intheendC.tap(sb.)ontheshoulder D.feellikeE.pulloverF.geton/off G.resultinH.turnout(allright)I.headfor 1.IrantotherailwaystationasfastasIcouldbutfoundthetrainwasalmostfullbythetimeI _____. 2.Havingfinishedhiswork ahead of time, Philip was happy to leave his office and_____the airport to enjoy his holiday. 3.YoushouldhaveseenBoris'sfacewhenhewas______byMax.Howsurprisedhewasatthatmoment! 4.Whenapolicemansawthebusdriverrunningaredlight,hecalledtohimto_____andwalkedtowardsthebus. 5.HispoorEnglishhas_____misunderstandingsbetweenhimandhisAmericanboss. 6.Whatalovelydayitis!Doyou_____ awalkalongthemountainpath?[br][/br] 7.Thoughtherewerequiteafewdifficulties,Iwassurethatthingsweregoingto . 8.Atthemeeting,thereweremanydifferentsuggestionsforourholiday,but_____wedecidedtotakeGeorge'ssuggestionandwenttotheseasideagain. 9.Ican'tunderstandwhytheychosehim ______ youcandothejobmuchbetterthanhe.

    选择合适的词并以正确形式填空: A.insteadofB.intheendC.tap(sb.)ontheshoulder D.feellikeE.pulloverF.geton/off G.resultinH.turnout(allright)I.headfor 1.IrantotherailwaystationasfastasIcouldbutfoundthetrainwasalmostfullbythetimeI _____. 2.Havingfinishedhiswork ahead of time, Philip was happy to leave his office and_____the airport to enjoy his holiday. 3.YoushouldhaveseenBoris'sfacewhenhewas______byMax.Howsurprisedhewasatthatmoment! 4.Whenapolicemansawthebusdriverrunningaredlight,hecalledtohimto_____andwalkedtowardsthebus. 5.HispoorEnglishhas_____misunderstandingsbetweenhimandhisAmericanboss. 6.Whatalovelydayitis!Doyou_____ awalkalongthemountainpath?[br][/br] 7.Thoughtherewerequiteafewdifficulties,Iwassurethatthingsweregoingto . 8.Atthemeeting,thereweremanydifferentsuggestionsforourholiday,but_____wedecidedtotakeGeorge'ssuggestionandwenttotheseasideagain. 9.Ican'tunderstandwhytheychosehim ______ youcandothejobmuchbetterthanhe.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】NO 2 、NO 2 - 、NO 2 + 键角大小关系正确的是 。 A. NO 2 > NO 2 - >NO 2 + B. NO 2 + >NO 2 >NO 2 - C. NO 2 - > NO 2 >NO 2 + D. NO 2 + > NO 2 - >NO 2

    【单选题】NO 2 、NO 2 - 、NO 2 + 键角大小关系正确的是 。 A. NO 2 > NO 2 - >NO 2 + B. NO 2 + >NO 2 >NO 2 - C. NO 2 - > NO 2 >NO 2 + D. NO 2 + > NO 2 - >NO 2

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    求定积分[img=179x43]17da65388c0b1ca.png[/img]; ( ) A: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 B: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 - 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 C: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 D: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 + 1/2

    求定积分[img=179x43]17da65388c0b1ca.png[/img]; ( ) A: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 B: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 - 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 C: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 - 1/2 D: log(2^(1/2) + 1)/2 + 2^(1/2)/2 + 1/2

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    2 + 2 * (2 * 2 - 2) % 2 / 3

    2 + 2 * (2 * 2 - 2) % 2 / 3

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    函数z=xsiny在点(1,π/4)处的两个偏导数分别为 A: √2/2,√2/2 B: √2/2,-√2/2 C: -√2/2,-√2/2 D: -√2/2,√2/2

    函数z=xsiny在点(1,π/4)处的两个偏导数分别为 A: √2/2,√2/2 B: √2/2,-√2/2 C: -√2/2,-√2/2 D: -√2/2,√2/2

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-07-25 问题

    HbF的构成主要是() A: α2β2 B: α2δ2 C: ζ2ε2 D: α2γ2 E: ζ2γ2

    HbF的构成主要是() A: α2β2 B: α2δ2 C: ζ2ε2 D: α2γ2 E: ζ2γ2

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    胎儿期血红蛋白HbF的分子组成为( )。 A: ζ2ε2 B: α2Aγ2、α2Gγ2 C: ζ2 Aγ2、ζ2Gγ2 D: ζ2 Aγ2、 E: α2δ2 、α2β2

    胎儿期血红蛋白HbF的分子组成为( )。 A: ζ2ε2 B: α2Aγ2、α2Gγ2 C: ζ2 Aγ2、ζ2Gγ2 D: ζ2 Aγ2、 E: α2δ2 、α2β2

  • 2022-06-28 问题

    正常人血红蛋白多肽链的组成是 A: α2β2 B: α2γ2 C: α2ε2 D: α2δ2 E: σ2β2

    正常人血红蛋白多肽链的组成是 A: α2β2 B: α2γ2 C: α2ε2 D: α2δ2 E: σ2β2

  • 2022-06-30 问题

    函数[img=79x27]180355ae2690a03.png[/img]在x=2处的二阶泰勒展开式为 A: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)+exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2-cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2 B: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)-exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2-cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2 C: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)-exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2+cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2 D: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)+exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2+cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2

    函数[img=79x27]180355ae2690a03.png[/img]在x=2处的二阶泰勒展开式为 A: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)+exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2-cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2 B: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)-exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2-cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2 C: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)-exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2+cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2 D: exp(sin(2))+cos(2)*exp(sin(2))*(x-2)+exp(sin(2))*(sin(2)/2+cos(2)^2/2)*(x-2)^2

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10