A trumpet is a brass instrument
A trumpet is a brass instrument
A trumpet is a brass instrument A: 正确 B: 错误
A trumpet is a brass instrument A: 正确 B: 错误
Deepdrawingismosteffectivewithductilemetals,suchas. A: aluminum B: brass C: copper D: mildsteel
Deepdrawingismosteffectivewithductilemetals,suchas. A: aluminum B: brass C: copper D: mildsteel
Trumpet is to brass as violin is to () A: woodwind B: percussion C: cello D: string E: symphony
Trumpet is to brass as violin is to () A: woodwind B: percussion C: cello D: string E: symphony
Her gold-like necklace is actually made of cheap ______. A: ore B: brass C: horn D: soak
Her gold-like necklace is actually made of cheap ______. A: ore B: brass C: horn D: soak
The magnificent building relies on clever design rather than on<br/>exterior ______. A: resentment B: booklet C: brass D: ornament
The magnificent building relies on clever design rather than on<br/>exterior ______. A: resentment B: booklet C: brass D: ornament
如果以纯色填充对象,则应选择什么图案? A: ANSI31 B: SOLID C: AR-B88 D: BRASS
如果以纯色填充对象,则应选择什么图案? A: ANSI31 B: SOLID C: AR-B88 D: BRASS
What can we add to brass to improve machining: A: Tin B: Copper C: Lead D: Manganese E: Carbon nanotubes
What can we add to brass to improve machining: A: Tin B: Copper C: Lead D: Manganese E: Carbon nanotubes
请判断下面单词的音节个数brass音标[ bra:s]释义n.黄铜;黄铜器 A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 E: 5
请判断下面单词的音节个数brass音标[ bra:s]释义n.黄铜;黄铜器 A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 E: 5
Watch Part 2 of the podcast and decide whether the jobs are mentioned by the speakers. A: a teacher B: a stand-up comedian C: a footballer D: a vet E: an architectural technologist F: a cellist G: a Salvation Army minister H: a pediatrician I: a brass instrument repairer J: a guitarist K: a student nurse
Watch Part 2 of the podcast and decide whether the jobs are mentioned by the speakers. A: a teacher B: a stand-up comedian C: a footballer D: a vet E: an architectural technologist F: a cellist G: a Salvation Army minister H: a pediatrician I: a brass instrument repairer J: a guitarist K: a student nurse