• 2021-04-14 问题

    The half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in of Pit No. 2 genuflect on one leg while squatting on the other.

    The half-squatting, half-kneeling archers in of Pit No. 2 genuflect on one leg while squatting on the other.

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    The gesture of bowing can be finished in a ( )manner. A: standing B: sitting C: kneeling D: squatting

    The gesture of bowing can be finished in a ( )manner. A: standing B: sitting C: kneeling D: squatting

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    畲族舞蹈基本动作的风格特点为“踏、步、蹲”,有手势、蹲腿、抖肩、翻滚、旋转等舞技表演。 A: clapping hands, squatting steps, shaking shoulders, rolling, swirling, etc B: hands movements, squatting steps, shaking shoulders, rolling, swirling, etc C: clapping hands, squatting on the heels, shaking shoulders, rolling, swirling, etc D: N/A

    畲族舞蹈基本动作的风格特点为“踏、步、蹲”,有手势、蹲腿、抖肩、翻滚、旋转等舞技表演。 A: clapping hands, squatting steps, shaking shoulders, rolling, swirling, etc B: hands movements, squatting steps, shaking shoulders, rolling, swirling, etc C: clapping hands, squatting on the heels, shaking shoulders, rolling, swirling, etc D: N/A

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The squatting posture will make the lower part of the screen appear heavier and the upper body slightly thinner, so _________ can be used. A: Side shot B: high angle shot C: Front shot D: Oblique side shooting

    The squatting posture will make the lower part of the screen appear heavier and the upper body slightly thinner, so _________ can be used. A: Side shot B: high angle shot C: Front shot D: Oblique side shooting

  • 2022-06-28 问题

    最吸引人的是那精彩武术和杂技(acrobatics)表演,口吐火焰的魔鬼,或下蹲疾驰(gallop)的小矮人。 A: What fascinates people most is the marvelous Kungfu and acrobatics. Players can make fire spray out of their mouths when they act as spirits, or can gallop while squatting to act as a dwarf. B: What fascinates people most is the marvelous Kungfu and acrobatics, players can make fire spray out of their mouths when they act as spirits, or can gallop while squatting to act as a dwarf. C: / D: /

    最吸引人的是那精彩武术和杂技(acrobatics)表演,口吐火焰的魔鬼,或下蹲疾驰(gallop)的小矮人。 A: What fascinates people most is the marvelous Kungfu and acrobatics. Players can make fire spray out of their mouths when they act as spirits, or can gallop while squatting to act as a dwarf. B: What fascinates people most is the marvelous Kungfu and acrobatics, players can make fire spray out of their mouths when they act as spirits, or can gallop while squatting to act as a dwarf. C: / D: /

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    ()是指一脚小踢腿,另一腿侧点。前踢腿时后移重心,而侧点地时重心前移。 A: Kickpointstep(踢点步) B: squatting(蹲) C: D: box-step(秧歌步)

    ()是指一脚小踢腿,另一腿侧点。前踢腿时后移重心,而侧点地时重心前移。 A: Kickpointstep(踢点步) B: squatting(蹲) C: D: box-step(秧歌步)

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