Marvin war nun ___ Ruhe und Beherrschung bemüht.
Marvin war nun ___ Ruhe und Beherrschung bemüht.
Ich komme aus Beijing, arbeite _____ nun in Shanghai. A: jetzt B: hier C: denn D: aber
Ich komme aus Beijing, arbeite _____ nun in Shanghai. A: jetzt B: hier C: denn D: aber
立杆托撑由()型钢板焊接钢管制成。 A: n×n B: nUn C: nLn D: nHn
立杆托撑由()型钢板焊接钢管制成。 A: n×n B: nUn C: nLn D: nHn
The narrator (叙述人) “I” seems to be attracted to ____. A: one of his classmates B: his friend’s sister C: a tall young lady at a stall D: a nun
The narrator (叙述人) “I” seems to be attracted to ____. A: one of his classmates B: his friend’s sister C: a tall young lady at a stall D: a nun
当p指向结构体变量stu时,以下哪种方法无法引用成员num( )。 A: stu.num B: (*p).num C: p->;nun D: p.num
当p指向结构体变量stu时,以下哪种方法无法引用成员num( )。 A: stu.num B: (*p).num C: p->;nun D: p.num
中国大学MOOC: Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, the associate director of science at NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center, made no reply to Zambia-based nun named Sister Mary Jucunda as for the significance of space exploration.
中国大学MOOC: Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, the associate director of science at NASAs Marshall Space Flight Center, made no reply to Zambia-based nun named Sister Mary Jucunda as for the significance of space exploration.
下列关于准则的说法中,错误的是( )。 A: 同行之间为逻辑“与”关系,不同行之间为逻辑“或”关系 B: 日期/时间类型数据须在两端加# C: Nun表示空白无数据的意思,可使用在任意类型的字段中 D: 数字类型的条件需加上双引号(" ")
下列关于准则的说法中,错误的是( )。 A: 同行之间为逻辑“与”关系,不同行之间为逻辑“或”关系 B: 日期/时间类型数据须在两端加# C: Nun表示空白无数据的意思,可使用在任意类型的字段中 D: 数字类型的条件需加上双引号(" ")
Reading Comprehension (2 points each;5O points in all)Section ADirecions: There arr four passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished sratcments. For each of them there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Passage ISubways arc underground trains. which usually operate 24 hours a day. They are found inlarger cities and usually run between the suburbs and uhe downtown areas. Maps and schedulcs arcavailable from the tickct otice. If you take uhe subway ofcn, you can savc moncy by purchasingamonthly pass(月票).City-operated buses nun on various routcs (线路)and are dcsigncd to be a cerain places atcertain time. Maps and schedules may be posted at cerain stops. or they may be available a localbanks. libraries. the student union. or from the bus drivers. Buses run mainly during the day.Fareispaid by exact change in coins. or by monthly passes.Taxis are generally morc cxpensive in the United States than in other countries. If youusc ataxi, bc sure you ask the amount of the fare before you ugrcc toride.The diver usually cxpectsatip(小费)of 1S pcrcent of the fare.D46.Accordingth passage.subways at undergrouod trains. which usually runYou<br/>can cet the maps and schcdulcs of the subway A: at bus station B: at<br/>local banks C: in any bookstores D: from<br/>the ticket omces
Reading Comprehension (2 points each;5O points in all)Section ADirecions: There arr four passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished sratcments. For each of them there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Passage ISubways arc underground trains. which usually operate 24 hours a day. They are found inlarger cities and usually run between the suburbs and uhe downtown areas. Maps and schedulcs arcavailable from the tickct otice. If you take uhe subway ofcn, you can savc moncy by purchasingamonthly pass(月票).City-operated buses nun on various routcs (线路)and are dcsigncd to be a cerain places atcertain time. Maps and schedules may be posted at cerain stops. or they may be available a localbanks. libraries. the student union. or from the bus drivers. Buses run mainly during the day.Fareispaid by exact change in coins. or by monthly passes.Taxis are generally morc cxpensive in the United States than in other countries. If youusc ataxi, bc sure you ask the amount of the fare before you ugrcc toride.The diver usually cxpectsatip(小费)of 1S pcrcent of the fare.D46.Accordingth passage.subways at undergrouod trains. which usually runYou<br/>can cet the maps and schcdulcs of the subway A: at bus station B: at<br/>local banks C: in any bookstores D: from<br/>the ticket omces