• 2022-07-01 问题

    在网页中加入一个内联框架,显示当前文件夹下名为"wonderland.html”的网页文件,宽高分别为包含元素的80%和50%,无边框无滚动条(看上去像是包含文档的一部分),允许该框架提交表单。能实现该功能的选项为( )。 未知类型:{'options': ['[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" /]', '[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-forms" /]', '[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-same-origin" /]', '[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-scripts" /]'], 'type': 102}

    在网页中加入一个内联框架,显示当前文件夹下名为"wonderland.html”的网页文件,宽高分别为包含元素的80%和50%,无边框无滚动条(看上去像是包含文档的一部分),允许该框架提交表单。能实现该功能的选项为( )。 未知类型:{'options': ['[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" /]', '[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-forms" /]', '[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-same-origin" /]', '[iframe src="wonderland.html" height="50%" width="80%" seamless="seamless" sandbox="allow-scripts" /]'], 'type': 102}

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    The city has witnessed the ____________ of shared bicycles. A: ubiquity B: seamless C: equest D: consortium

    The city has witnessed the ____________ of shared bicycles. A: ubiquity B: seamless C: equest D: consortium

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    During zooming, the view is only enlarged and no new information shows up. This is called ____ A: smooth zoom B: seamless zoom C: semantic zoom D: geometric zoom

    During zooming, the view is only enlarged and no new information shows up. This is called ____ A: smooth zoom B: seamless zoom C: semantic zoom D: geometric zoom

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