• 2022-06-03 问题

    An outside adviser has been brought in to ()the dispute between the management and the union. A: arbitrate B: legitimize C: lug D: earmark

    An outside adviser has been brought in to ()the dispute between the management and the union. A: arbitrate B: legitimize C: lug D: earmark

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    下面哪个科学家提出了用“用进废退”和“获得性状遗传”两个理论来解释生物产生变异的原因。 A: 达尔文(Darwin) B: 拉马克(Earmark) C: 约翰逊(Johnson) D: 魏斯曼(Weismann)

    下面哪个科学家提出了用“用进废退”和“获得性状遗传”两个理论来解释生物产生变异的原因。 A: 达尔文(Darwin) B: 拉马克(Earmark) C: 约翰逊(Johnson) D: 魏斯曼(Weismann)

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