J-26 航路不使用此导航设施或报告点。() A: AAirway J-26 utilize the navigation or reported point. B: BAirway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reporting point. C: CAirway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reported point. D: DAirway J-26 does not utilize the navigation or reporting point.
J-26 航路不使用此导航设施或报告点。() A: AAirway J-26 utilize the navigation or reported point. B: BAirway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reporting point. C: CAirway J-26 does not utilize the navaid or reported point. D: DAirway J-26 does not utilize the navigation or reporting point.
下列关于新生儿窒息ABCDE复苏方案,错误的是() A: Aairway:尽量吸尽呼吸道黏液及胎粪、羊水 B: Bbreathing:建立呼吸,增加通气 C: Ccirculation:维持正常循环,保证足够的心搏出量 D: Ddrug:药物治疗 E: EECG://行心电图检查
下列关于新生儿窒息ABCDE复苏方案,错误的是() A: Aairway:尽量吸尽呼吸道黏液及胎粪、羊水 B: Bbreathing:建立呼吸,增加通气 C: Ccirculation:维持正常循环,保证足够的心搏出量 D: Ddrug:药物治疗 E: EECG://行心电图检查