• 2021-04-14 问题

    Major types of media bias include: bias by omission, bias by placement, bias by headline, bias by photos and captions, and bias by ______.

    Major types of media bias include: bias by omission, bias by placement, bias by headline, bias by photos and captions, and bias by ______.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    What's right about the concept of cognition ?( ) A: Cognitive bias has no positive effect. B: Overconfidence tends to lead to cognitive bias. C: The decision-making judgment of entrepreneurs can reflect their cognitive structure. D: Accurate evaluation, judgment and decision-making of enterprise growth are the key factors for success of entrepreneurship.

    What's right about the concept of cognition ?( ) A: Cognitive bias has no positive effect. B: Overconfidence tends to lead to cognitive bias. C: The decision-making judgment of entrepreneurs can reflect their cognitive structure. D: Accurate evaluation, judgment and decision-making of enterprise growth are the key factors for success of entrepreneurship.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    "Reading between the lines" is the ability to uncover __________ and bias.

    "Reading between the lines" is the ability to uncover __________ and bias.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    People tend to assume that it is a girl ...wn as implicit bias.

    People tend to assume that it is a girl ...wn as implicit bias.

  • 2022-05-28 问题



  • 2022-06-01 问题



  • 2022-06-01 问题

    14. BIAS的应用法则的是( )。 A: 从BIAS的取值大小和正负考虑 B: 从BIAS的曲线形状方面考虑 C: 从两条BIAS线结合方面考虑 D: 以上都正确

    14. BIAS的应用法则的是( )。 A: 从BIAS的取值大小和正负考虑 B: 从BIAS的曲线形状方面考虑 C: 从两条BIAS线结合方面考虑 D: 以上都正确

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The overconfidence bias usually

    The overconfidence bias usually

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    下列()情况下发出的是买入信号。 A: A某个股票股性不太活跃,当BIAS(5)>3%时 B: B某个股票股性不太活跃,当BIAS(5) C: C当短期BIAS在高位下穿长期BIAS时 D: D由于突发的利空消息,BIAS(10)

    下列()情况下发出的是买入信号。 A: A某个股票股性不太活跃,当BIAS(5)>3%时 B: B某个股票股性不太活跃,当BIAS(5) C: C当短期BIAS在高位下穿长期BIAS时 D: D由于突发的利空消息,BIAS(10)

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Researchers who speak plainly are likely to find themselves ______ in controversy and accused of unscientific bias.

    Researchers who speak plainly are likely to find themselves ______ in controversy and accused of unscientific bias.

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