下列属于航次租船合同的是: A: NYPE B: LOF C: GENCON D: CHANATOW
下列属于航次租船合同的是: A: NYPE B: LOF C: GENCON D: CHANATOW
目前,国际上最常用的航次租船合同格式为()。 A: GENCON B: BALTIME C: NYPE D: BARECON
目前,国际上最常用的航次租船合同格式为()。 A: GENCON B: BALTIME C: NYPE D: BARECON
以下选项中,与航次租船业务有关的有: A: DHD B: POLCOALVOY C: NYPE D: Once on demurrage, always on demurrage.
以下选项中,与航次租船业务有关的有: A: DHD B: POLCOALVOY C: NYPE D: Once on demurrage, always on demurrage.
In marine chartering business, the relationship between the parties is governed by the charter party. The payment of hire and delivery/redelivery clauses normally appear in forms of ( )BIMCO A: GENCON B: NYPE C: BALTIME D: BIMCO
In marine chartering business, the relationship between the parties is governed by the charter party. The payment of hire and delivery/redelivery clauses normally appear in forms of ( )BIMCO A: GENCON B: NYPE C: BALTIME D: BIMCO