• 2022-06-14 问题

    criminalorganizationorgangcanalsobereferredtoasa_______,_______,_______,or_______;andthenetwork,subcultureandcommunityofcriminalsmaybereferredtoasthe“underworld”. A: ring B: mob C: mafia D: syndicate

    criminalorganizationorgangcanalsobereferredtoasa_______,_______,_______,or_______;andthenetwork,subcultureandcommunityofcriminalsmaybereferredtoasthe“underworld”. A: ring B: mob C: mafia D: syndicate

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    You should ______ the wheels of your bicycle once a month. A: fabricate B: confiscate C: lubricate D: syndicate

    You should ______ the wheels of your bicycle once a month. A: fabricate B: confiscate C: lubricate D: syndicate

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    9. An association of independent firms or nations who attempt to control price or supply of a commodity (such as oil) through mutual restraint on production is known as _____. A: concern B: syndicate C: trust D: cartel

    9. An association of independent firms or nations who attempt to control price or supply of a commodity (such as oil) through mutual restraint on production is known as _____. A: concern B: syndicate C: trust D: cartel

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