• 2022-06-26 问题

    A codon AUG is a: A: Chain-initiating codon B: Chain-terminating codon C: Releasing factor for peptide chains D: Recognition site on the tRNA

    A codon AUG is a: A: Chain-initiating codon B: Chain-terminating codon C: Releasing factor for peptide chains D: Recognition site on the tRNA

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    Genes with high expression levels are more likely to use ________. A: Prefer codons B: Rare codons C: Start codon D: Stop codon

    Genes with high expression levels are more likely to use ________. A: Prefer codons B: Rare codons C: Start codon D: Stop codon

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which<br/>of the following is barely involved in translation termination?() A: stop<br/>codon B: AUG<br/>codon C: release<br/>factor D: peptidyl<br/>transferase

    Which<br/>of the following is barely involved in translation termination?() A: stop<br/>codon B: AUG<br/>codon C: release<br/>factor D: peptidyl<br/>transferase

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    The three nucleotide group that codes for one amino acid is called A: anti-codon B: RNA C: ribonucleic acid D: codon

    The three nucleotide group that codes for one amino acid is called A: anti-codon B: RNA C: ribonucleic acid D: codon

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    Which one of the following amino acids in the protein does NOT have<br/>its genetic codon? ( ) A: Methionine B: Hydroxyproline C: Tryptophan D: Glutamine

    Which one of the following amino acids in the protein does NOT have<br/>its genetic codon? ( ) A: Methionine B: Hydroxyproline C: Tryptophan D: Glutamine

  • 2022-06-27 问题



  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following is true of bacterial translation termination?() A: The ribosome continues to synthesize protein until it reaches the 3' end of the mRN B: Termination requires the degradation of the ribosome. C: Termination is signaled by the presence of a stop codon in the mRN

    Which of the following is true of bacterial translation termination?() A: The ribosome continues to synthesize protein until it reaches the 3' end of the mRN B: Termination requires the degradation of the ribosome. C: Termination is signaled by the presence of a stop codon in the mRN

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The creation of a stop codon in the middle of a coding sequence<br/>within the gene is a:() A: missense<br/>mutation; B: frameshift<br/>mutation; C: nonsense<br/>mutation; D: point<br/>mutation; E: silent<br/>mutation.

    The creation of a stop codon in the middle of a coding sequence<br/>within the gene is a:() A: missense<br/>mutation; B: frameshift<br/>mutation; C: nonsense<br/>mutation; D: point<br/>mutation; E: silent<br/>mutation.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following statements is correct ( ) A: A total of 20 different codons represent the genetic code; B: Different codons may encode the same amino acid; C: The third bit of the codon has variability. D: Each nucleotide triplet encodes an amino acid;

    Which of the following statements is correct ( ) A: A total of 20 different codons represent the genetic code; B: Different codons may encode the same amino acid; C: The third bit of the codon has variability. D: Each nucleotide triplet encodes an amino acid;

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    Which of the following biological process needs RBS sequence: A: Splicing of mRNA in eukaryotic cells B: Transcription of DNA in prokaryotic cells C: The recognition of start codon by eukaryotic ribosome D: The location of ribosome in mRNA in prokaryotic cell E: The termination of transcription in prokaryotes

    Which of the following biological process needs RBS sequence: A: Splicing of mRNA in eukaryotic cells B: Transcription of DNA in prokaryotic cells C: The recognition of start codon by eukaryotic ribosome D: The location of ribosome in mRNA in prokaryotic cell E: The termination of transcription in prokaryotes

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