1936-669的值是( ) A: 1000 B: 750 C: 1267 D: 1200
1936-669的值是( ) A: 1000 B: 750 C: 1267 D: 1200
669、“每逢佳节倍思亲”中的“佳节”指的是传统节日中的____。 重阳节
669、“每逢佳节倍思亲”中的“佳节”指的是传统节日中的____。 重阳节
我市有()个建档立卡贫困村? A: 699 B: 669 C: 696
我市有()个建档立卡贫困村? A: 699 B: 669 C: 696
Вэтомгороде_____единственнуюукраинскуюшколу,котораясуществовалас1936года. A: вскрыли B: открыли C: скрыли D: закрыли
Вэтомгороде_____единственнуюукраинскуюшколу,котораясуществовалас1936года. A: вскрыли B: открыли C: скрыли D: закрыли
【单选题】[br][/br]The first Incoterms rules were developed and published by the International Chamber of Commerce in 1936 ________ A: 1930 <br> B: 1956 C: 1936 D: 1929
【单选题】[br][/br]The first Incoterms rules were developed and published by the International Chamber of Commerce in 1936 ________ A: 1930 <br> B: 1956 C: 1936 D: 1929
Nicholas Winton was a British humanitarian who organized the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from __________ to Britain just before the WWII.
Nicholas Winton was a British humanitarian who organized the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from __________ to Britain just before the WWII.
2017 年上半年,全国人均衣着消费支出约为()元 A: 582 B: 977 C: 669 D: 789
2017 年上半年,全国人均衣着消费支出约为()元 A: 582 B: 977 C: 669 D: 789
Chinese Kung-fu was only presented as a demonstration sport in the 1936 Berlin games.
Chinese Kung-fu was only presented as a demonstration sport in the 1936 Berlin games.