如下表所示,X={butter,cheese},Y={beer},则置信度confidence(X→Y)=( )。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts? 2/5|1/3|1/4|1/2
如下表所示,X={butter,cheese},Y={beer},则置信度confidence(X→Y)=( )。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts? 2/5|1/3|1/4|1/2
中国大学MOOC: 如下表所示,使用FP-Growth计算其频繁集,给定最小支持度为40%,频繁模式树(FP树)有( )个结点。(不包括根结点)。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts
中国大学MOOC: 如下表所示,使用FP-Growth计算其频繁集,给定最小支持度为40%,频繁模式树(FP树)有( )个结点。(不包括根结点)。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts
There’s _____ those bottles there. A: much beer on B: many beer in C: a lot of beer in D: a lot of beer on
There’s _____ those bottles there. A: much beer on B: many beer in C: a lot of beer in D: a lot of beer on
Bire属于以下哪种芝士( ) A: Semi hard cheese B: Blue cheese C: White mold cheese D: Hard cheese
Bire属于以下哪种芝士( ) A: Semi hard cheese B: Blue cheese C: White mold cheese D: Hard cheese
The price of beer _________ from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.
The price of beer _________ from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.
Would you like some beer? Yes, two ____ of beer, please!
Would you like some beer? Yes, two ____ of beer, please!
As to wine and beer, we can generalize that ______. A: Wine may be easier to store (than beer), but it's harder to make B: Wine may be as easier to make as beer C: Beer is harder to store than wine D: Wine may be easier to make (than beer), but it's harder to s tore
As to wine and beer, we can generalize that ______. A: Wine may be easier to store (than beer), but it's harder to make B: Wine may be as easier to make as beer C: Beer is harder to store than wine D: Wine may be easier to make (than beer), but it's harder to s tore
国际上通常把干酪扩展为三大类,即天然干酪(Natural Cheese)、再制干酪(Processed Cheese)和干酪食品(Cheese Food)。
国际上通常把干酪扩展为三大类,即天然干酪(Natural Cheese)、再制干酪(Processed Cheese)和干酪食品(Cheese Food)。
There are 、 、 (四块)cheese in the kitchen.
There are 、 、 (四块)cheese in the kitchen.