• 2022-05-28 问题

    I promise that matter will _______. ]( ) A: be taken care B: take care of C: take care D: be taken care of

    I promise that matter will _______. ]( ) A: be taken care B: take care of C: take care D: be taken care of

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    What _______ do you take? [音频]/module/audioplay.html?objectid=286f0bc028c6196f36235ec44c30d365

    What _______ do you take? [音频]/module/audioplay.html?objectid=286f0bc028c6196f36235ec44c30d365

  • 2022-07-26 问题

    listen carefully anf put it into script and take a picture and upload it.[音频]

    listen carefully anf put it into script and take a picture and upload it.[音频]

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    [音频]So Grace and her friend are on a tour of a _______ factory, and they take a break for coffee.

    [音频]So Grace and her friend are on a tour of a _______ factory, and they take a break for coffee.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    [听力原文]M: When will the plane take offW: It was supposed to take off at 9: 50, but it will be delayed 15 minutes. When will the plane take off() A: 9:35. B: 9:50. C: 9:15. D: 10:05.

    [听力原文]M: When will the plane take offW: It was supposed to take off at 9: 50, but it will be delayed 15 minutes. When will the plane take off() A: 9:35. B: 9:50. C: 9:15. D: 10:05.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    [音频]listen to the video again and take notes of five parts of our eyes are mentioned in the video

    [音频]listen to the video again and take notes of five parts of our eyes are mentioned in the video

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    51.We strongly recommend that you [ ] a moment and read the safety instruction. A: took B: take C: taken D: taking

    51.We strongly recommend that you [ ] a moment and read the safety instruction. A: took B: take C: taken D: taking

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    2019-6[音频] ThankyouverymuchformeetingwithmeyesterdayaboutourprojectIreallyappreciateyour help. And we’ll take your suggestionintoconsiderationwhenwe__20_______forthenextyear. Itwas21tohavesomeonelikeyouwhohashadexperiencewithsimilarprojects.Iappreciateyourtakingthetimeoutofyourbusyscheduleto22me.[br][/br]I’ll_23tosendyouafollow-upwhenthisprojectiscompleted.PleaseletmeknowifI.can24[br][/br]thefavorandwhen.

    2019-6[音频] ThankyouverymuchformeetingwithmeyesterdayaboutourprojectIreallyappreciateyour help. And we’ll take your suggestionintoconsiderationwhenwe__20_______forthenextyear. Itwas21tohavesomeonelikeyouwhohashadexperiencewithsimilarprojects.Iappreciateyourtakingthetimeoutofyourbusyscheduleto22me.[br][/br]I’ll_23tosendyouafollow-upwhenthisprojectiscompleted.PleaseletmeknowifI.can24[br][/br]thefavorandwhen.

  • 2022-06-27 问题

    矩阵A=Array[a,{4,5}],取第1,4两行,2,3,5列元素的子矩阵,使用语句是 A: Part[A,{1,4},{2,3,5}] B: Take[A,{1,4},{2,3,5}] C: Part[A,{2,3,5},{1,4}] D: Take[A,{2,3,5},{1,4}]

    矩阵A=Array[a,{4,5}],取第1,4两行,2,3,5列元素的子矩阵,使用语句是 A: Part[A,{1,4},{2,3,5}] B: Take[A,{1,4},{2,3,5}] C: Part[A,{2,3,5},{1,4}] D: Take[A,{2,3,5},{1,4}]

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    There was no one else to ____ their children.( ) A: take care of B: take after C: take on D: take in

    There was no one else to ____ their children.( ) A: take care of B: take after C: take on D: take in

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