Which of the following is a right plural form _____. A: septa B: pleura C: acillus D: crisis
Which of the following is a right plural form _____. A: septa B: pleura C: acillus D: crisis
以下( )结构的存在增加了某些多毛类Annelida的气体交换面积。 A: 疣足鳃 (parapodial gills) B: 皮鳃 (dermal branchiae) C: 体环 (annuli) D: 横膈膜 (septa) E: 肠系膜 (mesenteries)
以下( )结构的存在增加了某些多毛类Annelida的气体交换面积。 A: 疣足鳃 (parapodial gills) B: 皮鳃 (dermal branchiae) C: 体环 (annuli) D: 横膈膜 (septa) E: 肠系膜 (mesenteries)
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]1803a03821fc0b0.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]1803a03821fc0b0.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]180331e07c77358.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]180331e07c77358.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
Which<br/>is wrong about the structure of testis? () A: Thetunica<br/>albuginea is thickened on the posterior<br/>surface of<br/>testis to form mediastinum B: The<br/>fibrous septa from mediastinum<br/>penetrates radially the testis, dividing it into pyramidal lobules C: Each<br/>lobule is occupied by 1-4 seminiferous tubules D: Theseminiferous<br/>tubules go into mediastinum testis to form rete testis E: The tubulus<br/>rectus go into mediastinum testis to form rete testis
Which<br/>is wrong about the structure of testis? () A: Thetunica<br/>albuginea is thickened on the posterior<br/>surface of<br/>testis to form mediastinum B: The<br/>fibrous septa from mediastinum<br/>penetrates radially the testis, dividing it into pyramidal lobules C: Each<br/>lobule is occupied by 1-4 seminiferous tubules D: Theseminiferous<br/>tubules go into mediastinum testis to form rete testis E: The tubulus<br/>rectus go into mediastinum testis to form rete testis