• 2022-05-27 问题

    3DSMAX是哪个公司的产品。() A: Autodesk B: Discreet C: Kinetix D: Mac

    3DSMAX是哪个公司的产品。() A: Autodesk B: Discreet C: Kinetix D: Mac

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    MichaelEisner was a man ________. A: of no family commitments B: with a discreet character C: with wild imagination D: with animation skills

    MichaelEisner was a man ________. A: of no family commitments B: with a discreet character C: with wild imagination D: with animation skills

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    3dsmax是下列哪个公司的产品?( ) A: Adobe B: AutoDesk C: Ulead D: Discreet

    3dsmax是下列哪个公司的产品?( ) A: Adobe B: AutoDesk C: Ulead D: Discreet

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    14. You need to set out discreet parts in your report under headings.<br/>修改后的句子:______ ,

    14. You need to set out discreet parts in your report under headings.<br/>修改后的句子:______ ,

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    AutoCAD是美国公司开发的计算机绘图软件()。 A: CAD B: Macromedia C: Discreet D: Autodesk

    AutoCAD是美国公司开发的计算机绘图软件()。 A: CAD B: Macromedia C: Discreet D: Autodesk

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    The two __ causes of death during the 1300s were war and the bubonic plague. ( ) A: dauntless B: foremost C: disdainful D: Discreet

    The two __ causes of death during the 1300s were war and the bubonic plague. ( ) A: dauntless B: foremost C: disdainful D: Discreet

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    We learned about her   father by reading his obituary in The Times. A: deceased B: distressed C: discreet D: depressed

    We learned about her   father by reading his obituary in The Times. A: deceased B: distressed C: discreet D: depressed

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    Althoughnotwosiblingscouldhavedisagreedmoreinnature-whereshewasgregarious,hewasintroverted;whereshewasoutspoken,hewas______—thetwinsneverthelessgotonamazinglywell. A: reserved B: discreet C: garrulous D: insensitive E: imprudent F: fluent

    Althoughnotwosiblingscouldhavedisagreedmoreinnature-whereshewasgregarious,hewasintroverted;whereshewasoutspoken,hewas______—thetwinsneverthelessgotonamazinglywell. A: reserved B: discreet C: garrulous D: insensitive E: imprudent F: fluent

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    3ds Max这个三维软件的出品公司为( )。 A: macromedia B: adobe C: corel D: discreet

    3ds Max这个三维软件的出品公司为( )。 A: macromedia B: adobe C: corel D: discreet

  • 2022-07-23 问题

    3dsmax9这个功能强大的三维动画软件出品公司为 A: discreet B: adobe C: macromedia D: corel

    3dsmax9这个功能强大的三维动画软件出品公司为 A: discreet B: adobe C: macromedia D: corel

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