男性附属腺体包括 A: Epididymis B: Prostate C: Seminal vesicle D: Testis
男性附属腺体包括 A: Epididymis B: Prostate C: Seminal vesicle D: Testis
男性附属腺体包括 A: Epididymis B: Prostate C: Seminal vesicle D: Testis
男性附属腺体包括 A: Epididymis B: Prostate C: Seminal vesicle D: Testis
The organ which can produce sperms is A: testis B: prostate C: epididymis D: seminal vesicle
The organ which can produce sperms is A: testis B: prostate C: epididymis D: seminal vesicle
The organ which can produce sperms is(). A: testis B: prostate C: epididymis D: seminal vesicle E: bulbourethral gland
The organ which can produce sperms is(). A: testis B: prostate C: epididymis D: seminal vesicle E: bulbourethral gland
The efferent ductules of testis empty into the() . A: rete testis B: epididymis C: ductus deferens D: straight tubules E: seminiferous tubules
The efferent ductules of testis empty into the() . A: rete testis B: epididymis C: ductus deferens D: straight tubules E: seminiferous tubules
产生精子和分泌男性激素的器官是() A: Epididymis B: Prostate C: Seminalvesicle D: Bulboutethralgland E: Testis
产生精子和分泌男性激素的器官是() A: Epididymis B: Prostate C: Seminalvesicle D: Bulboutethralgland E: Testis
A 48-year-old male had a sudden scrotal pain for 4 hours, which radiated significantly to the inguinal region. Physical examination revealed obvious redness and swelling of the right scrotum, increased skin temperature, and epididymis swelling as a lump, which was not easy to distinguish and had obvious tenderness, so the patient was most likely to be A: Acute cystitis B: Acute prostatitis C: Scrotum hernia D: Acute epididymitis
A 48-year-old male had a sudden scrotal pain for 4 hours, which radiated significantly to the inguinal region. Physical examination revealed obvious redness and swelling of the right scrotum, increased skin temperature, and epididymis swelling as a lump, which was not easy to distinguish and had obvious tenderness, so the patient was most likely to be A: Acute cystitis B: Acute prostatitis C: Scrotum hernia D: Acute epididymitis
睾丸和附睾(Testis and Epididymis)( )<br/>A、睾丸上端和后缘有附睾附着<br/>B、睾丸表面因多次排精而形成许多瘢痕<br/>C、附睾除可产生精子,还可供精子营养<br/>D、附睾可分根、体、头 3 部<br/>E、睾丸和附睾均为生殖腺 A: 点击编辑答案内容 B: 点击编辑答案内容 C: 点击编辑答案内容 D: 点击编辑答案内容
睾丸和附睾(Testis and Epididymis)( )<br/>A、睾丸上端和后缘有附睾附着<br/>B、睾丸表面因多次排精而形成许多瘢痕<br/>C、附睾除可产生精子,还可供精子营养<br/>D、附睾可分根、体、头 3 部<br/>E、睾丸和附睾均为生殖腺 A: 点击编辑答案内容 B: 点击编辑答案内容 C: 点击编辑答案内容 D: 点击编辑答案内容