• 2021-04-14 问题

    中国大学MOOC:"She’s a wonderful skater, her __________ is superb. ";

    中国大学MOOC:"She’s a wonderful skater, her __________ is superb. ";

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    Multiple-Choice Question<br/>In the student example, in order to go further, the figure skater’s creative solutions may include (you may pick more than one):<br/>學生代表作中,為了做得更好,該男生的創意解決方法包括 (可以多選): A: Continue skating while studying part-time 繼續滑冰,兼顧學習 B: Continue skating and give up studying 繼續滑冰,放棄學業 C: Continue studying and give up skating 繼續學習,放棄滑冰 D: Continue skating and put studying on hold for now 繼續滑冰,暫時休學

    Multiple-Choice Question<br/>In the student example, in order to go further, the figure skater’s creative solutions may include (you may pick more than one):<br/>學生代表作中,為了做得更好,該男生的創意解決方法包括 (可以多選): A: Continue skating while studying part-time 繼續滑冰,兼顧學習 B: Continue skating and give up studying 繼續滑冰,放棄學業 C: Continue studying and give up skating 繼續學習,放棄滑冰 D: Continue skating and put studying on hold for now 繼續滑冰,暫時休學

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