Forrest Gump is named after Nathan Bedford who is ______.
Forrest Gump is named after Nathan Bedford who is ______.
The credit for the invention of “Afternoon Tea” is given to , duchess of Bedford
The credit for the invention of “Afternoon Tea” is given to , duchess of Bedford
The<br/>origin of afternoon tea in Britain can be traced to the time of the<br/>7th Duchess of Bedford. A: True B: False
The<br/>origin of afternoon tea in Britain can be traced to the time of the<br/>7th Duchess of Bedford. A: True B: False
英式下午茶产生于维多利亚时代。英国贝德芙( Bedford)公爵夫人安娜常被人认为是英国传统下午茶的发明者。
英式下午茶产生于维多利亚时代。英国贝德芙( Bedford)公爵夫人安娜常被人认为是英国传统下午茶的发明者。
Where was John Bunyan when he wrote The Pilgrim's Progress? A: on the isle of Patmos B: in his office at home C: in Bedford jail D: in London
Where was John Bunyan when he wrote The Pilgrim's Progress? A: on the isle of Patmos B: in his office at home C: in Bedford jail D: in London
The student has quoted from page 580 of The American Promise: A History of the United States, 2nd compact edition, written by James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Alan Lawson, and Susan M. Hartmann and published in 2003 by Bedford/St. Martin’s in Boston. Which of the following is correct?
The student has quoted from page 580 of The American Promise: A History of the United States, 2nd compact edition, written by James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Alan Lawson, and Susan M. Hartmann and published in 2003 by Bedford/St. Martin’s in Boston. Which of the following is correct?
书籍的参考文献格式 Only one of the following MLA works cited entries is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student has quoted from page 580 of The American Promise: A History of the United States , 2nd compact edition, written by James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Alan Lawson, and Susan M. Hartmann and published in 2003 by Bedford/St. Martin’s in Boston.
书籍的参考文献格式 Only one of the following MLA works cited entries is handled correctly. Select the correct answer. The student has quoted from page 580 of The American Promise: A History of the United States , 2nd compact edition, written by James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Alan Lawson, and Susan M. Hartmann and published in 2003 by Bedford/St. Martin’s in Boston.
【阅读理解(选择)/完型填空】从电影《阿甘正传》看上世纪的美国 说到《阿甘正传》大家一定都很熟悉,这部1994年上映的好莱坞电影,已经成为世人眼中的文化经典。阿甘的生活巧妙穿插于真实的历史事件,如1963年阿拉巴马大学发生的“挡校门事件”,或者冷战高峰时期美国与中国大陆的“乒乓球外交”等。电影中使用的历史背景,横跨1950到80年代。也反映了美国人对于那个年代的集体记忆,比如越战、嬉皮、反战运动和流行音乐。尤其汤姆汉克在演出阿甘这个角色时,特别要求电影制作团队使用真实的历史。 阿甘的名字来自三K党的早期领袖佛瑞斯特将军 (Nathan Bedford Forrest),阿甘的妈妈告诉他,这个名字是要他记住“人都会做一些没道理的事”──照后来的情节发展,这句话似乎也是这部电影对纷纷扰扰的60、70年代美国社会的整体评语。阿甘乍看之下是“美国梦”的化身,虽然出生在单亲家庭、智力不高,却靠着独特的天赋和稀有的好运气一路获得成功。有些人会质疑阿甘的成功太幸运、缺少自己的主见和想法;毕竟连阿甘自己都觉得有些事太过不可思议 (例如丹中尉去投资苹果公司股票)。不过阿甘并没有因为一夕致富,改变自己一直认真善良的生活态度。 电影一开
【阅读理解(选择)/完型填空】从电影《阿甘正传》看上世纪的美国 说到《阿甘正传》大家一定都很熟悉,这部1994年上映的好莱坞电影,已经成为世人眼中的文化经典。阿甘的生活巧妙穿插于真实的历史事件,如1963年阿拉巴马大学发生的“挡校门事件”,或者冷战高峰时期美国与中国大陆的“乒乓球外交”等。电影中使用的历史背景,横跨1950到80年代。也反映了美国人对于那个年代的集体记忆,比如越战、嬉皮、反战运动和流行音乐。尤其汤姆汉克在演出阿甘这个角色时,特别要求电影制作团队使用真实的历史。 阿甘的名字来自三K党的早期领袖佛瑞斯特将军 (Nathan Bedford Forrest),阿甘的妈妈告诉他,这个名字是要他记住“人都会做一些没道理的事”──照后来的情节发展,这句话似乎也是这部电影对纷纷扰扰的60、70年代美国社会的整体评语。阿甘乍看之下是“美国梦”的化身,虽然出生在单亲家庭、智力不高,却靠着独特的天赋和稀有的好运气一路获得成功。有些人会质疑阿甘的成功太幸运、缺少自己的主见和想法;毕竟连阿甘自己都觉得有些事太过不可思议 (例如丹中尉去投资苹果公司股票)。不过阿甘并没有因为一夕致富,改变自己一直认真善良的生活态度。 电影一开