蛋白质聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳的电泳缓冲液是 A: Tris—乙酸缓冲液 B: Tris—硼酸缓冲液 C: Tris—磷酸缓冲液 D: Tris—甘氨酸缓冲液 E: 碱性缓冲液
蛋白质聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳的电泳缓冲液是 A: Tris—乙酸缓冲液 B: Tris—硼酸缓冲液 C: Tris—磷酸缓冲液 D: Tris—甘氨酸缓冲液 E: 碱性缓冲液
In SDS PAGE, the gel buffer used is? A: Tris-Glycine B: Tris-HCl C: Na2CO3- NaHCO3K2HPO3- KH2PO3
In SDS PAGE, the gel buffer used is? A: Tris-Glycine B: Tris-HCl C: Na2CO3- NaHCO3K2HPO3- KH2PO3
棉属的拉丁文名称为()。 A: Glycine B: Gossypium C: Vitis D: Aster
棉属的拉丁文名称为()。 A: Glycine B: Gossypium C: Vitis D: Aster
Whichone<br/>is<br/>the essential amino acid?() A: glycine B: methionine C: tyrosine D: Glutamine
Whichone<br/>is<br/>the essential amino acid?() A: glycine B: methionine C: tyrosine D: Glutamine
The form transporting and storing ammonia in the body is ( ). A: glutamate B: glutamine C: glutathione D: glycine E: urea
The form transporting and storing ammonia in the body is ( ). A: glutamate B: glutamine C: glutathione D: glycine E: urea
根据KEGG数据库,threonine dehydratase 在 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism 代谢通路中发挥什么作用?
根据KEGG数据库,threonine dehydratase 在 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism 代谢通路中发挥什么作用?
Nitrogen or carbon atoms are contributed to the structure of the purine ring by amino acids, except: A: Glycine B: Glutamine C: Aspartate D: Glutamate
Nitrogen or carbon atoms are contributed to the structure of the purine ring by amino acids, except: A: Glycine B: Glutamine C: Aspartate D: Glutamate
配制100mL 1mol/L Tris-HCl (pH8.0)溶液,需要称量Tris的量是
配制100mL 1mol/L Tris-HCl (pH8.0)溶液,需要称量Tris的量是