Stereotypes are based on half-truths, distortions, and often untrue premises
Stereotypes are based on half-truths, distortions, and often untrue premises
Insomecountriesmoreandmoreyoungpeoplenowwear_________hair. A: false B: untrue C: spare D: unnatural
Insomecountriesmoreandmoreyoungpeoplenowwear_________hair. A: false B: untrue C: spare D: unnatural
WhenDanny'smothercameforMrs.Green,thematterwasnow____toMrs.Green.() A: serious B: common C: untrue D: similar
WhenDanny'smothercameforMrs.Green,thematterwasnow____toMrs.Green.() A: serious B: common C: untrue D: similar
At the end of the story the result is ____.() A: happy B: sad C: not clear D: untrue
At the end of the story the result is ____.() A: happy B: sad C: not clear D: untrue
CREDIBLE: () A: fortunate B: believable C: untrue D: correct E: suitable
CREDIBLE: () A: fortunate B: believable C: untrue D: correct E: suitable
中国大学MOOC: Which statement is true about independent argument, but untrue about linked argument?
中国大学MOOC: Which statement is true about independent argument, but untrue about linked argument?
If there is no evidence in the argument, then it is a fallacy of ___________. A: problematic premises B: irrelevant reasons C: hasty generalization D: untrue conclusion
If there is no evidence in the argument, then it is a fallacy of ___________. A: problematic premises B: irrelevant reasons C: hasty generalization D: untrue conclusion
His life is like a myth. A: an old story B: a true story C: a religious story D: an untrue story
His life is like a myth. A: an old story B: a true story C: a religious story D: an untrue story
information that is passed from one person to another about other people's behavior and private lives, often including unkind or untrue remarks.
information that is passed from one person to another about other people's behavior and private lives, often including unkind or untrue remarks.
2. According to the passage, our self-images ________________. A: have positive effects B: are probably untrue C: are often changeable D: have different functions
2. According to the passage, our self-images ________________. A: have positive effects B: are probably untrue C: are often changeable D: have different functions