• 2021-04-14 问题

    All the tulips in Zoe's garden are white. All the roses in Zoe's garden are yellow. Therefore, all the flowers in Zoe's garden are either white or yellow.

    All the tulips in Zoe's garden are white. All the roses in Zoe's garden are yellow. Therefore, all the flowers in Zoe's garden are either white or yellow.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Zoe like to play the guitar in her spare time.

    Zoe like to play the guitar in her spare time.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    目前临床根管充填常用的材料是 A.银尖+ZOE糊剂 B.牙胶尖+ZOE糊剂 C.ZOE糊剂 D.牙胶尖+氢氧化钙糊剂 E.氯仿+牙胶尖

    目前临床根管充填常用的材料是 A.银尖+ZOE糊剂 B.牙胶尖+ZOE糊剂 C.ZOE糊剂 D.牙胶尖+氢氧化钙糊剂 E.氯仿+牙胶尖

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Zoe sells 200 glasses of lemonade at $0.50 each. Her total costs are $25. Her profits are

    Zoe sells 200 glasses of lemonade at $0.50 each. Her total costs are $25. Her profits are

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Listen to the following telephone conversation and choose the best answer to the question.[br][/br] Question: What might happen after the conversation? [音频] A: The man talks to Zoe directly. B: The man leaves a message with the woman. C: The man waits until Zoe is availale.

    Listen to the following telephone conversation and choose the best answer to the question.[br][/br] Question: What might happen after the conversation? [音频] A: The man talks to Zoe directly. B: The man leaves a message with the woman. C: The man waits until Zoe is availale.

  • 2022-06-30 问题

    如果X线检查发现第二前磨牙根尖有阴影,且根尖孔未闭合应做哪些处理?() A: 开髓 B: 调稆 C: 拔髓 D: 冲洗并清理髓腔 E: 疏通根管 F: ZOE封木榴油球

    如果X线检查发现第二前磨牙根尖有阴影,且根尖孔未闭合应做哪些处理?() A: 开髓 B: 调稆 C: 拔髓 D: 冲洗并清理髓腔 E: 疏通根管 F: ZOE封木榴油球

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    修复体恢复患牙咬合的标准不包括() A: 完全恢复患牙原袷面形态,并且达到平衡B.力方向接近于牙长轴C.根据牙周情况适当减径D.前伸及侧方无干扰E.面与邻牙和对颌牙形态协调 B: 患者,男,45岁,左下后牙根管治疗后,要求修复。PE:左下6残冠,远中及颊侧壁较完整,ZOE暂封存,松(-)叩(-),对颌伸长。左下5面开髓孔,ZOE暂封存,颊侧颈部楔状缺损,松(-)叩(-)。

    修复体恢复患牙咬合的标准不包括() A: 完全恢复患牙原袷面形态,并且达到平衡B.力方向接近于牙长轴C.根据牙周情况适当减径D.前伸及侧方无干扰E.面与邻牙和对颌牙形态协调 B: 患者,男,45岁,左下后牙根管治疗后,要求修复。PE:左下6残冠,远中及颊侧壁较完整,ZOE暂封存,松(-)叩(-),对颌伸长。左下5面开髓孔,ZOE暂封存,颊侧颈部楔状缺损,松(-)叩(-)。

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    有关直接盖髓术的下列叙述中,不正确的是 A: 严格无菌操作 B: 冲洗用温生理盐水 C: 盖髓剂放在露髓孔及周围1~2mm牙本质上 D: 露髓孔上方不要加压 E: 盖髓后用ZOE糊剂暂封观察1个月

    有关直接盖髓术的下列叙述中,不正确的是 A: 严格无菌操作 B: 冲洗用温生理盐水 C: 盖髓剂放在露髓孔及周围1~2mm牙本质上 D: 露髓孔上方不要加压 E: 盖髓后用ZOE糊剂暂封观察1个月

  • 2022-07-26 问题

    患者因上前牙有洞要求治疗。检查:左右上1近中面龋,冷测一过性敏感,热测同对照牙去腐后达牙本质深层,该患者牙最佳处理为 A: 复合树脂充填 B: 玻璃离子水门汀充填 C: 光固化树脂修复 D: 玻璃离子水门汀垫底,光固化树脂充填 E: ZOE垫底,光固化树脂充填

    患者因上前牙有洞要求治疗。检查:左右上1近中面龋,冷测一过性敏感,热测同对照牙去腐后达牙本质深层,该患者牙最佳处理为 A: 复合树脂充填 B: 玻璃离子水门汀充填 C: 光固化树脂修复 D: 玻璃离子水门汀垫底,光固化树脂充填 E: ZOE垫底,光固化树脂充填

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