设\(3 \times 4\)阶矩阵\(A\)的秩为1,\(\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma \)是齐次线性方程组\(Ax=0\)的三个线性无关的解向量,则方程组的基础解系为( ) A: \(\alpha ,\beta ,\alpha + \beta \) B: \(\alpha ,\alpha + \beta ,\alpha + \beta + \gamma \) C: \(\gamma ,\beta ,\gamma - \beta \) D: \(\alpha - \beta ,\gamma - \beta ,\gamma - \alpha \)
设\(3 \times 4\)阶矩阵\(A\)的秩为1,\(\alpha ,\beta ,\gamma \)是齐次线性方程组\(Ax=0\)的三个线性无关的解向量,则方程组的基础解系为( ) A: \(\alpha ,\beta ,\alpha + \beta \) B: \(\alpha ,\alpha + \beta ,\alpha + \beta + \gamma \) C: \(\gamma ,\beta ,\gamma - \beta \) D: \(\alpha - \beta ,\gamma - \beta ,\gamma - \alpha \)
Which of the following pigments is a not endogenous pigment? A: hemosiderin B: lipofuscin C: bilirubin D: carotene
Which of the following pigments is a not endogenous pigment? A: hemosiderin B: lipofuscin C: bilirubin D: carotene
从一组有效保单中抽取100份,发现有3个索赔,假如该险种的索赔频率θ的先验分布为Beta(2,200),则θ的后验分布为()。 A: Beta(4,297) B: Beta(5,300) C: Beta(5,297) D: Beta(3,297) E: Beta(4,300)
从一组有效保单中抽取100份,发现有3个索赔,假如该险种的索赔频率θ的先验分布为Beta(2,200),则θ的后验分布为()。 A: Beta(4,297) B: Beta(5,300) C: Beta(5,297) D: Beta(3,297) E: Beta(4,300)
Which nutrient is not an important source of fresh vegetables and fruits? A: Vitamin C B: Carotene C: Riboflavin D: Proteins
Which nutrient is not an important source of fresh vegetables and fruits? A: Vitamin C B: Carotene C: Riboflavin D: Proteins
(2). 样本容量 \( n \) 确定后,在一个假设检验中,给定显著水平为 \( \alpha<br/>\),设此第二类错误的概率为 \( \beta \),则必有( )。 A: \( \alpha +\beta =1 \) B: \( \alpha +\beta >1 \) C: \( \alpha +\beta D: \( \alpha<br/>+\beta
(2). 样本容量 \( n \) 确定后,在一个假设检验中,给定显著水平为 \( \alpha<br/>\),设此第二类错误的概率为 \( \beta \),则必有( )。 A: \( \alpha +\beta =1 \) B: \( \alpha +\beta >1 \) C: \( \alpha +\beta D: \( \alpha<br/>+\beta
Which pigment among the followings does not belong to the same category with others? A: Carotene; B: Lutein; C: Astaxanthin; D: Capsaicin
Which pigment among the followings does not belong to the same category with others? A: Carotene; B: Lutein; C: Astaxanthin; D: Capsaicin
设\( A,P \)是可逆矩阵,\( \beta \)是\( A \)的属于特征值\( \lambda \)的特征向量,则矩阵\( {P^{ - 1}}AP \)的一个特征值和对应的特征向量是( ) A: \( {\lambda ^{ - 1}},P\beta \) B: \( {\lambda ^{ - 1}},{P^{ - 1}}\beta \) C: \( \lambda ,P\beta \) D: \( \lambda ,{P^{ - 1}}\beta \)
设\( A,P \)是可逆矩阵,\( \beta \)是\( A \)的属于特征值\( \lambda \)的特征向量,则矩阵\( {P^{ - 1}}AP \)的一个特征值和对应的特征向量是( ) A: \( {\lambda ^{ - 1}},P\beta \) B: \( {\lambda ^{ - 1}},{P^{ - 1}}\beta \) C: \( \lambda ,P\beta \) D: \( \lambda ,{P^{ - 1}}\beta \)
Relative to the underlying stock, a call option always has A: a higher beta and a higher standard deviation of return. B: a lower beta and a higher standard deviation of return. C: a higher beta and a lower standard deviation of return. D: a lower beta and a lower standard deviation of return.
Relative to the underlying stock, a call option always has A: a higher beta and a higher standard deviation of return. B: a lower beta and a higher standard deviation of return. C: a higher beta and a lower standard deviation of return. D: a lower beta and a lower standard deviation of return.
Beta measures _____ risk.
Beta measures _____ risk.