LCS(x,y) is defined to be the length of the LCS between strings x and y. LCS("program", "algorithm") = LCS(x,y)表示字符串x,y最长公共子序列长度,则LCS(“program”, “algorithm”)= A: LCS(“progra”, “algorith”) + 1 B: LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”) C: LCS(“program”, “algorith”) D: max{ LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”), LCS(“program”, “algorith”)}
LCS(x,y) is defined to be the length of the LCS between strings x and y. LCS("program", "algorithm") = LCS(x,y)表示字符串x,y最长公共子序列长度,则LCS(“program”, “algorithm”)= A: LCS(“progra”, “algorith”) + 1 B: LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”) C: LCS(“program”, “algorith”) D: max{ LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”), LCS(“program”, “algorith”)}
假设数据x的值为1.77,那么期望在屏幕上输出显示 :x = 1.77请问在X-Program中如何设置输出模块? A: 输出:"x = ", x B: 输出:x = , x C: 输出:"x = ", "x" D: 输出:x = , "x"
假设数据x的值为1.77,那么期望在屏幕上输出显示 :x = 1.77请问在X-Program中如何设置输出模块? A: 输出:"x = ", x B: 输出:x = , x C: 输出:"x = ", "x" D: 输出:x = , "x"
LCS(x,y)表示字符串x,y最长公共子序列长度,则LCS(“program”, “algorithm”)= A: LCS(“progra”, “algorith”) + 1 B: LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”) C: LCS(“program”, “algorith”) D: max{ LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”), LCS(“program”, “algorith”)}
LCS(x,y)表示字符串x,y最长公共子序列长度,则LCS(“program”, “algorithm”)= A: LCS(“progra”, “algorith”) + 1 B: LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”) C: LCS(“program”, “algorith”) D: max{ LCS(“progra”, “algorithm”), LCS(“program”, “algorith”)}
假设数据x的值为1.77,那么期望在屏幕上输出显示 :x = 1.77请问在X-Program中如何设置输出模块? A: 输出:"x = ", x B: 输出:x = , x C: 输出:"x = ", "x" D: 输出:x = , "x"
假设数据x的值为1.77,那么期望在屏幕上输出显示 :x = 1.77请问在X-Program中如何设置输出模块? A: 输出:"x = ", x B: 输出:x = , x C: 输出:"x = ", "x" D: 输出:x = , "x"
The program that a computer can execute directly is ( ) A: source program B: target program C: assembler D: executable program
The program that a computer can execute directly is ( ) A: source program B: target program C: assembler D: executable program
______是合法的C语言字符常量。 A: ′x" B: e3 C: < D: > E: 〞c program〞
______是合法的C语言字符常量。 A: ′x" B: e3 C: < D: > E: 〞c program〞
A part program, a service program, and a control program are made up of major programs.
A part program, a service program, and a control program are made up of major programs.
以下C语言标识符正确的是()。 A: &X; B: a-b C: A23 D: C Program
以下C语言标识符正确的是()。 A: &X; B: a-b C: A23 D: C Program
以下程序段的运行结果是() A: PROgram B: PROGRAM C: PRO D: proGRAM
以下程序段的运行结果是() A: PROgram B: PROGRAM C: PRO D: proGRAM
The(①)programmeansaprogramwritteninahigh-levellanguage.Itisgenerallytranslatedtoan(②)program,whichisinaformdirectlyunderstandablebythecomputer.Thetranslationisusuallydonebyprogramcalled(③). The() program means a program written in a high-level language.It is generally translated to an()program,which is in a form directly understandable by the computer.The translation is usually done by program called (). A: object B: basic C: C D: assemble
The(①)programmeansaprogramwritteninahigh-levellanguage.Itisgenerallytranslatedtoan(②)program,whichisinaformdirectlyunderstandablebythecomputer.Thetranslationisusuallydonebyprogramcalled(③). The() program means a program written in a high-level language.It is generally translated to an()program,which is in a form directly understandable by the computer.The translation is usually done by program called (). A: object B: basic C: C D: assemble