• 2022-06-06 问题

    Peptic ulcers are often multiple lesion.

    Peptic ulcers are often multiple lesion.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Dyslexia refers to the abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling caused by a brain lesion.

    Dyslexia refers to the abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling caused by a brain lesion.

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    A patient suffers from disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The following image shows the lesion microcirculation. The major component of this lesion (black arrow) is ( ) A: Platelet B: Red blood cell C: Leukocyte D: Fibrin

    A patient suffers from disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). The following image shows the lesion microcirculation. The major component of this lesion (black arrow) is ( ) A: Platelet B: Red blood cell C: Leukocyte D: Fibrin

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the following is not a feature of inflammatory acute abdomen? A: Persistent abdominal pain B: Lesions have a fixed tenderness C: Peritoneal irritation is localized to the lesion D: Peritonitis range does not increase<br/>with the expansion of the lesion

    Which of the following is not a feature of inflammatory acute abdomen? A: Persistent abdominal pain B: Lesions have a fixed tenderness C: Peritoneal irritation is localized to the lesion D: Peritonitis range does not increase<br/>with the expansion of the lesion

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    广州管圆线虫引起脑膜炎 A: ectopic lesion B: larva migrans C: 两者都是 D: 两者都不是

    广州管圆线虫引起脑膜炎 A: ectopic lesion B: larva migrans C: 两者都是 D: 两者都不是

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which is the typical<br/>lesions of atopic dermatitis in adolescence<br/>__ __? A: Massive exudation B: Erosion is the main<br/>lesion C: Localized<br/>lichenification D: Obvious swelling

    Which is the typical<br/>lesions of atopic dermatitis in adolescence<br/>__ __? A: Massive exudation B: Erosion is the main<br/>lesion C: Localized<br/>lichenification D: Obvious swelling

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which is the main<br/>distinguishing point between eczema and atopic dermatitis<br/>__ __? A: lesion morphology B: Predilection area C: Family history of<br/>allergy D: Conscious symptom

    Which is the main<br/>distinguishing point between eczema and atopic dermatitis<br/>__ __? A: lesion morphology B: Predilection area C: Family history of<br/>allergy D: Conscious symptom

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Worm-eaten<br/>cavities can be find which one:____ A: acute<br/>disseminated tuberculosis B: caseous<br/>pneumonia C: tuberculoma D: loubor<br/>pneumonia E: primary<br/>lesion of lung tuberculosis.

    Worm-eaten<br/>cavities can be find which one:____ A: acute<br/>disseminated tuberculosis B: caseous<br/>pneumonia C: tuberculoma D: loubor<br/>pneumonia E: primary<br/>lesion of lung tuberculosis.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Which is the<br/>characteristic of atopic dermatitis in infancy<br/>__ __? A: The lesions are<br/>limited to the popliteal fossa and elbow fossa B: The main lesion is<br/>lichenification C: Lesions are more<br/>common on the face D: Mainly vesicles and<br/>pustules

    Which is the<br/>characteristic of atopic dermatitis in infancy<br/>__ __? A: The lesions are<br/>limited to the popliteal fossa and elbow fossa B: The main lesion is<br/>lichenification C: Lesions are more<br/>common on the face D: Mainly vesicles and<br/>pustules

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Which of the following descriptions is not correct?( ) A: lobulation is an important imaging sign to diagnose peripheral pulmonary carcinoma. B: cavity with irregular inner wall is a characteristic of peripheral pulmonary carcinoma. C: satellite lesion is used to describe peripheral pulmonary carcinoma. D: concave border with higher lateral part is a characteristic of pleural effusion.

    Which of the following descriptions is not correct?( ) A: lobulation is an important imaging sign to diagnose peripheral pulmonary carcinoma. B: cavity with irregular inner wall is a characteristic of peripheral pulmonary carcinoma. C: satellite lesion is used to describe peripheral pulmonary carcinoma. D: concave border with higher lateral part is a characteristic of pleural effusion.

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