• 2022-05-28 问题

    认知功能较好的患者进行疼痛评定时,可采用的方法包括( ) A: 面部表情测量 B: FIM C: VAS D: NRS E: McGill疼痛问卷

    认知功能较好的患者进行疼痛评定时,可采用的方法包括( ) A: 面部表情测量 B: FIM C: VAS D: NRS E: McGill疼痛问卷

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    常用的中枢性疼痛评分量表包括() A: 数字评分法 B: 口述评分法 C: 目测模拟评分法 D: McGill疼痛问卷调查 E: 以上都是

    常用的中枢性疼痛评分量表包括() A: 数字评分法 B: 口述评分法 C: 目测模拟评分法 D: McGill疼痛问卷调查 E: 以上都是

  • 2022-07-23 问题

    ( )适用于急性的疼痛、老人或者小儿、表达能力丧失的患者 A: 视觉模拟量表 B: “0-10”数字疼痛强度量表 C: Wong-Baker的面部表情量表法 D: 短式McGill疼痛问卷

    ( )适用于急性的疼痛、老人或者小儿、表达能力丧失的患者 A: 视觉模拟量表 B: “0-10”数字疼痛强度量表 C: Wong-Baker的面部表情量表法 D: 短式McGill疼痛问卷

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Thank you for agreeing to take our survey. Your participation is voluntary. All questions asked are for research purposes only. There are no correct or incorrect responses, and your answers will have absolutely no effect on your grades or course experience. It should take about 5 minutes to respond to the questions. Your responses will remain confidential, and personal information will not be shared with any third party. All personal information will be destroyed at the end of the study. This study adheres to the McGill Policy on the Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Human Participants. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights or welfare as a participant in this research study, please contact the McGill Ethics Officer at 514-398-6831 or ([email protected]). On behalf of the McGill research team, thank you very much. Please remember to click Final check at the end of each page to submit your answers.Please ignore any red "X" you may encounter after submitting your answers. 1. How did you first find out about this course?

    Thank you for agreeing to take our survey. Your participation is voluntary. All questions asked are for research purposes only. There are no correct or incorrect responses, and your answers will have absolutely no effect on your grades or course experience. It should take about 5 minutes to respond to the questions. Your responses will remain confidential, and personal information will not be shared with any third party. All personal information will be destroyed at the end of the study. This study adheres to the McGill Policy on the Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Human Participants. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights or welfare as a participant in this research study, please contact the McGill Ethics Officer at 514-398-6831 or ([email protected]). On behalf of the McGill research team, thank you very much. Please remember to click Final check at the end of each page to submit your answers.Please ignore any red "X" you may encounter after submitting your answers. 1. How did you first find out about this course?

  • 2022-07-23 问题

    适用于急性的疼痛、老人或者小儿、表达能力丧失的患者 A: 视觉模拟量表 B: “0~10”数字疼痛强度量表 C: Wong-Baker的面部表情量表法 D: 短式McGill疼痛问卷

    适用于急性的疼痛、老人或者小儿、表达能力丧失的患者 A: 视觉模拟量表 B: “0~10”数字疼痛强度量表 C: Wong-Baker的面部表情量表法 D: 短式McGill疼痛问卷

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    关于疼痛评估工具的说法,正确的是 A: 单维疼痛评估工具仅用来测量疼痛强度 B: 多维疼痛评估工具可以用来测量疼痛强度、性质、部位、时间等 C: 与多维疼痛评估工具相比,单维疼痛评估工具在临床应用得更为广泛 D: McGill疼痛问卷(MPQ)、简明疼痛评估量表(BPI)和视觉模拟评分量表(VAS)均属于多维疼痛评估工具

    关于疼痛评估工具的说法,正确的是 A: 单维疼痛评估工具仅用来测量疼痛强度 B: 多维疼痛评估工具可以用来测量疼痛强度、性质、部位、时间等 C: 与多维疼痛评估工具相比,单维疼痛评估工具在临床应用得更为广泛 D: McGill疼痛问卷(MPQ)、简明疼痛评估量表(BPI)和视觉模拟评分量表(VAS)均属于多维疼痛评估工具

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