• 2022-06-07 问题

    Which of the followings is the basic principles of bioethics: A: respect for persons, assessment of benefits and risks, and selection of subjects B: informed consent, assessment of benefits and risks, and selection of subjects C: informed consent, beneficence and justice D: respect for persons, beneficence and justice E: informed consent, beneficence and selection of subjects

    Which of the followings is the basic principles of bioethics: A: respect for persons, assessment of benefits and risks, and selection of subjects B: informed consent, assessment of benefits and risks, and selection of subjects C: informed consent, beneficence and justice D: respect for persons, beneficence and justice E: informed consent, beneficence and selection of subjects

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The basic principles of bioethics include: A: respect for persons B: data safety C: informed consent D: beneficence E: justice

    The basic principles of bioethics include: A: respect for persons B: data safety C: informed consent D: beneficence E: justice

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    《贝尔蒙报告》明确提出“尊重人”(respect for persons)、“有利”(beneficence)、“公正”(justice)的生命伦理学原则,请选择您认为正确的答案?

    《贝尔蒙报告》明确提出“尊重人”(respect for persons)、“有利”(beneficence)、“公正”(justice)的生命伦理学原则,请选择您认为正确的答案?

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    10.A doctor should act in the best interest of the patient.( ) A: A. legislation B: B. common law C: C. autonomy D: D. beneficence E: E. Non-maleficence F: F. justice

    10.A doctor should act in the best interest of the patient.( ) A: A. legislation B: B. common law C: C. autonomy D: D. beneficence E: E. Non-maleficence F: F. justice

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    ________________ is the first Buddhist temple in Suzhou built by King Sun Quan for his mother in the Three Kingdoms Period. A: Temple of Beneficence B: West Garden Temple C: Hanshan Temple D: Lingyan Temple

    ________________ is the first Buddhist temple in Suzhou built by King Sun Quan for his mother in the Three Kingdoms Period. A: Temple of Beneficence B: West Garden Temple C: Hanshan Temple D: Lingyan Temple

  • 2022-07-25 问题

    《贝尔蒙报告》明确提出“尊重人”(respectforpersons)、“有利”(beneficence)、“公正”(justice)的生命伦理学原则,请选择您认为正确的答案?() A: 公正地选择受试者,公正地对待研究的收益和风险 B: 把每个人作为自主的行动者对待,而且要保护自主性不足的人,如儿童、智力不健全的人 C: 科学研究的基本要求是在不伤害受试者的情况下对公众有利,最好都有利 D: 务必保证知情同意

    《贝尔蒙报告》明确提出“尊重人”(respectforpersons)、“有利”(beneficence)、“公正”(justice)的生命伦理学原则,请选择您认为正确的答案?() A: 公正地选择受试者,公正地对待研究的收益和风险 B: 把每个人作为自主的行动者对待,而且要保护自主性不足的人,如儿童、智力不健全的人 C: 科学研究的基本要求是在不伤害受试者的情况下对公众有利,最好都有利 D: 务必保证知情同意

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