The first person to put forward the concept of "aesthetic education" is () A: Schiller B: Baumgar C: Mattis D: Paul Gauguin
The first person to put forward the concept of "aesthetic education" is () A: Schiller B: Baumgar C: Mattis D: Paul Gauguin
Who are representatives of Barbizon School? A: Rousseau B: Corot C: Van Gogh D: Miller E: Gauguin F: Daubigny
Who are representatives of Barbizon School? A: Rousseau B: Corot C: Van Gogh D: Miller E: Gauguin F: Daubigny
【填空题】()(Paul Gauguin,1848—1903),法国后印象派画家、雕塑家、陶艺家及版画家,与塞尚、梵高合称后印象派三杰
【填空题】()(Paul Gauguin,1848—1903),法国后印象派画家、雕塑家、陶艺家及版画家,与塞尚、梵高合称后印象派三杰