40. According to the passage, TSA is required to inspect your baggage _________.
40. According to the passage, TSA is required to inspect your baggage _________.
检查机身下蒙皮是否有裂纹。 A: Examine the bottom skin panels of the fuselage for cracks. B: Inspect fuselage lowermost skin panels for cracks. C: Inspect fuselage underside skin panels for cracks.
检查机身下蒙皮是否有裂纹。 A: Examine the bottom skin panels of the fuselage for cracks. B: Inspect fuselage lowermost skin panels for cracks. C: Inspect fuselage underside skin panels for cracks.
本能;天性 n. A: instinct B: instruction C: institution D: inspect
本能;天性 n. A: instinct B: instruction C: institution D: inspect
The police will thoroughly _____ the cause of the accident. A: explore ______ B: inspect C: estimate D: investigate
The police will thoroughly _____ the cause of the accident. A: explore ______ B: inspect C: estimate D: investigate
The documents are available for public[input=type:blank,size:4][/input]. (inspect, inspection)
The documents are available for public[input=type:blank,size:4][/input]. (inspect, inspection)
At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no ___________.( ) A: aspect B: inspect C: expect D: prospect
At 25 he was an unemployed musician with no ___________.( ) A: aspect B: inspect C: expect D: prospect
Why does Diogenes carry a lighted lamp to inspect the face of people at bright noonday? Because______.
Why does Diogenes carry a lighted lamp to inspect the face of people at bright noonday? Because______.
They came to inspect the house ______ buying it. A: in the event of B: with a view of C: with reference to D: on account of
They came to inspect the house ______ buying it. A: in the event of B: with a view of C: with reference to D: on account of
They came to inspect the house ______ buying it. A: in the event of B: with a view to C: with reference to D: on account of
They came to inspect the house ______ buying it. A: in the event of B: with a view to C: with reference to D: on account of