• 2022-05-28 问题

    In the circular flow model, for every flow of goods, services, and<br/>resources there is a counter-flow of’ ( ) A: more goods, services, and resources. B: people from firms to households. C: people from households to firms. D: money.

    In the circular flow model, for every flow of goods, services, and<br/>resources there is a counter-flow of’ ( ) A: more goods, services, and resources. B: people from firms to households. C: people from households to firms. D: money.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    2. In a simple circular-flow diagram, ( ) A: households spend all of their income. B: all goods and services are bought by households. C: expenditures flow through the markets for goods and services, while income flows through the markets for the factors of production. D: All of the above are correct.

    2. In a simple circular-flow diagram, ( ) A: households spend all of their income. B: all goods and services are bought by households. C: expenditures flow through the markets for goods and services, while income flows through the markets for the factors of production. D: All of the above are correct.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The symmetry principle is the requirement that: A: people in similar situations be treated similarly. B: Society's income be distributed symmetrically among its members. C: the poorest 20 percent of households should receive the same total income as the richest 10 percent of households. D: the average person be made as well off as possible.

    The symmetry principle is the requirement that: A: people in similar situations be treated similarly. B: Society's income be distributed symmetrically among its members. C: the poorest 20 percent of households should receive the same total income as the richest 10 percent of households. D: the average person be made as well off as possible.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    The circular-flow diagram illustrates that, in markets for the factors of production, ( ) A: households are sellers, and firms are buyers. B: households are buyers, and firms are sellers. C: households and firms are both buyers. D: households and firms are both sellers.

    The circular-flow diagram illustrates that, in markets for the factors of production, ( ) A: households are sellers, and firms are buyers. B: households are buyers, and firms are sellers. C: households and firms are both buyers. D: households and firms are both sellers.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    In the simple circular-flow diagram, the participants in the economy are A: firms and government. B: households and firms. C: households and government. D: households, firms, and government.

    In the simple circular-flow diagram, the participants in the economy are A: firms and government. B: households and firms. C: households and government. D: households, firms, and government.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    In the simple circular-flow diagram, A: households own the factors of production. B: households buy all the goods and services that firms produce. C: land, labor, and capital flow from households to firms. D: All of the above are correct.

    In the simple circular-flow diagram, A: households own the factors of production. B: households buy all the goods and services that firms produce. C: land, labor, and capital flow from households to firms. D: All of the above are correct.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    18) According to the circular flow model A: . in the market for goods and services, households are buyers and firms are sellers. B: . the market for goods and services, households are sellers and firms are buyers. C: . in the market for factors of production, households are buyers and firms are sellers. D: . firms are the owners of the factors of production.

    18) According to the circular flow model A: . in the market for goods and services, households are buyers and firms are sellers. B: . the market for goods and services, households are sellers and firms are buyers. C: . in the market for factors of production, households are buyers and firms are sellers. D: . firms are the owners of the factors of production.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    In the circular-flow diagram, which of the following items represents a payment of a factor of production? A: Interest B: Spending by households on service C: Spending by households on goods D: capital

    In the circular-flow diagram, which of the following items represents a payment of a factor of production? A: Interest B: Spending by households on service C: Spending by households on goods D: capital

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    An important feature of contemporary society is the social ______ of creating and maintaining independent households. (desirable) desirability

    An important feature of contemporary society is the social ______ of creating and maintaining independent households. (desirable) desirability

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Capital income does not include income paid to households for the use of their capital

    Capital income does not include income paid to households for the use of their capital

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