Which one of the following statements about macro substitute is wrong?? Macro substitution is just string substitution.|Macros must be named with capital letters.|Macro name does not have data type.|Macro substitute does not occupy the executing time.
Which one of the following statements about macro substitute is wrong?? Macro substitution is just string substitution.|Macros must be named with capital letters.|Macro name does not have data type.|Macro substitute does not occupy the executing time.
与前缀mini-,micro-含义相反的前缀是什么? A: maxi- B: macro- C: magni- D: hypo-
与前缀mini-,micro-含义相反的前缀是什么? A: maxi- B: macro- C: magni- D: hypo-
Cohesion is a macro organization in scientific writing.
Cohesion is a macro organization in scientific writing.
Macro planning provides a general guidance for language teachers and it is enough for good teaching.
Macro planning provides a general guidance for language teachers and it is enough for good teaching.
宏的英文名称是()。 A: Macro B: View C: Form D: Page
宏的英文名称是()。 A: Macro B: View C: Form D: Page
下面的宏定义语句语法是正确的。 CRLF MACRO …ENDM
下面的宏定义语句语法是正确的。 CRLF MACRO …ENDM