h_adder u1(.a(ain),.b(bin),.so(e),.co(d));
h_adder u1(.a(ain),.b(bin),.so(e),.co(d));
在下列标识符中,( )是VHDL合法标识符。 A: 4h_adde B: h_adde_ C: h_adder D: _h_adde
在下列标识符中,( )是VHDL合法标识符。 A: 4h_adde B: h_adde_ C: h_adder D: _h_adde
对于完整的一位全加器VHDL程序,描述正确的是 A: 如果port内的管脚定义为STD_LOGIC,则库和程序包可以省略 B: ENTITY adder IS PORT( A ,B,Ci_1: IN STD_LOGIC; Ci,Si : OUT STD_LOGIC; ); END adder; C: ARCHITECTURE 1fxc OF adder IS BEGIN Si<=(not A and not B and Ci_1) or (not A and B and not Ci_1) or (A and not B and not Ci_1) or (A and B and Ci_1); Ci<=(A and B) or (B and Ci_1) or (Ci_1 and A); END 1fxc; D: 实体名和结构体名都必须是标识符
对于完整的一位全加器VHDL程序,描述正确的是 A: 如果port内的管脚定义为STD_LOGIC,则库和程序包可以省略 B: ENTITY adder IS PORT( A ,B,Ci_1: IN STD_LOGIC; Ci,Si : OUT STD_LOGIC; ); END adder; C: ARCHITECTURE 1fxc OF adder IS BEGIN Si<=(not A and not B and Ci_1) or (not A and B and not Ci_1) or (A and not B and not Ci_1) or (A and B and Ci_1); Ci<=(A and B) or (B and Ci_1) or (Ci_1 and A); END 1fxc; D: 实体名和结构体名都必须是标识符
对于完整的一位全加器VHDL程序,描述正确的是 A: 如果port内的管脚定义为STD_LOGIC,则库和程序包可以省略 B: ENTITY adder IS PORT( A ,B,Ci_1: IN STD_LOGIC; Ci,Si : OUT STD_LOGIC; ); END adder; C: ARCHITECTURE 1fxc OF adder IS BEGIN Si<=(not A and not B and Ci_1) or (not A and B and not Ci_1) or (A and not B and not Ci_1) or (A and B and Ci_1); Ci<=(A and B) or (B and Ci_1) or (Ci_1 and A); END 1fxc; D: 实体名和结构体名都必须是标识符
对于完整的一位全加器VHDL程序,描述正确的是 A: 如果port内的管脚定义为STD_LOGIC,则库和程序包可以省略 B: ENTITY adder IS PORT( A ,B,Ci_1: IN STD_LOGIC; Ci,Si : OUT STD_LOGIC; ); END adder; C: ARCHITECTURE 1fxc OF adder IS BEGIN Si<=(not A and not B and Ci_1) or (not A and B and not Ci_1) or (A and not B and not Ci_1) or (A and B and Ci_1); Ci<=(A and B) or (B and Ci_1) or (Ci_1 and A); END 1fxc; D: 实体名和结构体名都必须是标识符
h_adder u1(.a(ain),.b(bin),.so(e),.co(d));请问例化语句采用的描述方法。
h_adder u1(.a(ain),.b(bin),.so(e),.co(d));请问例化语句采用的描述方法。
linked up with the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK to ______ advice capability A: add a health B: adder health C: ad a health D: add the health
linked up with the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK to ______ advice capability A: add a health B: adder health C: ad a health D: add the health
module F_ADDER (ain, bin,cin,cout,sum);input ain, bin, cin;output cout, sum;wire net1,net2,net3; h_adder U1(ain, bin,net1,net2); h_adder U2(.A(net1),.SO(sum),.B(cin),.CO(net3)); or U3(cout,net2,net3);endmodule请问该程序使用的是哪种描述方式( )。 A: 结构描述 B: 数据流描述 C: 机器描述 D: 行为描述
module F_ADDER (ain, bin,cin,cout,sum);input ain, bin, cin;output cout, sum;wire net1,net2,net3; h_adder U1(ain, bin,net1,net2); h_adder U2(.A(net1),.SO(sum),.B(cin),.CO(net3)); or U3(cout,net2,net3);endmodule请问该程序使用的是哪种描述方式( )。 A: 结构描述 B: 数据流描述 C: 机器描述 D: 行为描述
请用Verilog HDL对上图所示的半加器进行代码描述。主要的verilog代码已列出,请将空格部分补充完整。 module h_adder (a,b,sum,cout); ________ a,b; output sum,________; ______ x1(sum,a,b); ______ a1(cout,____,b); _______________b941d8b3a203f68eb8d2235e939f941c.png
请用Verilog HDL对上图所示的半加器进行代码描述。主要的verilog代码已列出,请将空格部分补充完整。 module h_adder (a,b,sum,cout); ________ a,b; output sum,________; ______ x1(sum,a,b); ______ a1(cout,____,b); _______________b941d8b3a203f68eb8d2235e939f941c.png
将共价键⑴C—H,⑵N—H,⑶F—H,⑷O—H按极性由大到小的顺序进行排列为()。 A: F—H>O—H>N—H>C—H B: O—H>F—H>N—H>C—H C: O—H>N—H>F—H>C—H D: C—H>N—H>O—H>F—H
将共价键⑴C—H,⑵N—H,⑶F—H,⑷O—H按极性由大到小的顺序进行排列为()。 A: F—H>O—H>N—H>C—H B: O—H>F—H>N—H>C—H C: O—H>N—H>F—H>C—H D: C—H>N—H>O—H>F—H
界面倾斜时,当测线沿界面走向布置时,真深度H、视深度H*、法线深度h之间的关系是( ) A: A.h> H,H*= H B: B.h=H*, H*> H C: C.h =H*, H*<H D: D.h<H * , H*> H
界面倾斜时,当测线沿界面走向布置时,真深度H、视深度H*、法线深度h之间的关系是( ) A: A.h> H,H*= H B: B.h=H*, H*> H C: C.h =H*, H*<H D: D.h<H * , H*> H