下面( )函数从结果集中取得一行记录,返回的只是数字索引数组。 A: mysqli_query B: mysqli_fetch_array C: mysqli fetch row D: mysqli fetch assoc
下面( )函数从结果集中取得一行记录,返回的只是数字索引数组。 A: mysqli_query B: mysqli_fetch_array C: mysqli fetch row D: mysqli fetch assoc
How many rows of piles are generally set up in freestyle skating competition? How many piles per row? A: row 5 and 25 B: rows 2 and 18 C: rows 1 and 30 D: rows 3 and 20
How many rows of piles are generally set up in freestyle skating competition? How many piles per row? A: row 5 and 25 B: rows 2 and 18 C: rows 1 and 30 D: rows 3 and 20
获取查询结果记录数使用什么函数() A: mysqli_fetch_array() B: mysqli_fetch_rows() C: mysqli_fetch_row() D: mysqli_num_rows()
获取查询结果记录数使用什么函数() A: mysqli_fetch_array() B: mysqli_fetch_rows() C: mysqli_fetch_row() D: mysqli_num_rows()
<frameset rows=#>表示
<frameset rows=#>表示
以下哪种情况,全局变量@@fetch_status 的取值为0。 A: fetch语句语法错误 B: 被提取的行不存在 C: fetch语句执行失败 D: fetch语句执行成功
以下哪种情况,全局变量@@fetch_status 的取值为0。 A: fetch语句语法错误 B: 被提取的行不存在 C: fetch语句执行失败 D: fetch语句执行成功
If a is known to be a 2×3 matrix, then after executing a=a(:), ( ). A: a transforms to a column vector B: a transforms to 3 rows and 2 columns C: a transforms to 3 rows and 3 columns D: a transforms to 2 rows 3 and columns
If a is known to be a 2×3 matrix, then after executing a=a(:), ( ). A: a transforms to a column vector B: a transforms to 3 rows and 2 columns C: a transforms to 3 rows and 3 columns D: a transforms to 2 rows 3 and columns
<table rules=rows>,表示( )。
<table rules=rows>,表示( )。
在下列php.ini的配置项中,哪一项可以开启MySQLi扩展() A: extension=mysql B: extension=mysqli C: extension=pdo_mysql D: extension=oracle
在下列php.ini的配置项中,哪一项可以开启MySQLi扩展() A: extension=mysql B: extension=mysqli C: extension=pdo_mysql D: extension=oracle